Let's look at some of the other roles people have in business and in the workplace. Check out Part 1 to learn about how to "go to work" in Italian and about different types of employees.
To indicate the boss In Italian, we use one word for "head": il capo.
No no, no, non è il mio ragazzo, lui è il mio capo,
No, no, no. He's not my boyfriend, he's my boss,
è il commissario Manara.
he's Commissioner Manara.
Captions 29-30, Il Commissario Manara - S1EP5 - Il Raggio Verde - Part 8
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Of course, we have the cognate direttore that can indicate the head of a company and is used much like "director." But it is often used to mean "manager" or "managing director."
Mauro Barale, direttore delle vendite.
Mauro Barale, sales manager.
-Barale, piacere.
-Barale, a pleasure.
Lui è il nostro nuovo direttore generale.
He's our new general director.
Captions 26-27, Adriano Olivetti - La forza di un sogno Ep.2
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If the director is the owner, the director might also be called il titolare (the owner, the head). Titolare is a term often used when it would make sense for the head of a company to also be the owner.
Ah, ma è la titolare dell'agenzia che organizza i matrimoni.
Ah, so you are the head of the agency that organizes weddings.
Caption 19, Sposami - EP 5 - Part 2
Play Caption
In the previous example, Nora is the head of the agency. Technically, her aunt is likely the owner, but in practical terms, it's Nora. Nora is a woman, so the feminine article is used, even though the noun titolare is basically masculine. The term titolare can be used loosely because we often don't know if someone actually owns the company or not. The other, more general word for "owner" is proprietario.
When a business has multiple departments, each department is called un reparto, so a department manager or supervisor may be called il caporeparto. In a hospital, a ward is called un reparto as well. In a department store, the same term, reparto, is used for a given department or section.
Poi dall'amministrazione sono passata,
Then, from administration I moved,
sempre nel reparto amministrativo, al recupero crediti.
still in the administrative department, to debt collection.
Caption 1, Antonella - La mia storia - Part 2
Play Caption
In English, "responsible" is an adjective. But its cognate responsabile is also used as a noun to describe the person who is in charge of something, such as un reparto (department).
Poi, naturalmente, in assenza di Manara, il responsabile è Lei.
Then, naturally, in the absence of Manara, you're the one in charge.
Caption 29, Il Commissario Manara - S2EP8 - Fuori servizio - Part 2
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Instead of il responsabile, we might see or hear l'addetto, which basically means the same thing: someone assigned to that role. Just like responsabile, it can be used as either an adjective or a noun.
Lavorava qui, era addetto alla fermentazione del vino.
He worked here. He was in charge of wine fermentation.
Caption 42, Il Commissario Manara - S2EP8 - Fuori servizio - Part 1
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Let's add to the roles one can have in the workforce. When we're talking about a shop, the salesperson or sales clerk is called il commesso or la commessa, depending on the sex of the person.
Allora, tornate dalla commessa e chiedetele
So, go back to the saleswoman and ask
se ultimamente ha venduto 'sto [questo]
if she has lately sold this
profumo a qualcuno di più adulto.
perfume to someone more adult.
Captions 35-36, Il Commissario Manara - S2EP3 - Delitto tra le lenzuola - Part 9
Play Caption
We hope we haven't filled your head with too many new words. Keep an eye out for them as you watch and learn with Yabla videos!
Most of us know what a piazza is. It means something akin to the town square. In Italy, there may be a main piazza, but there can be many others spread around a city.
La piazza è dedicata al...
The piazza is dedicated to...
all'artista e scultore Michelangelo Buonarroti.
to the artist and sculptor Michelangelo Buonarroti.
Caption 12, In giro per l'Italia - Firenze
Play Caption
If you look at the dictionary entry above, you will see that there are various connotations of the noun piazza.
Piazzare is a verb. It can mean "to place" something somewhere.
Qua abbiamo piazzato la macchina da presa.
Here, we placed the camera.
Caption 27, Fratelli Taviani - La passione e l'utopia
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Piazzare often means to sell — to put on the market with success.
Be', questa pietruzza la posso piazzare per una bella cifra.
Well this little rock I can place/sell for a pretty penny.
Caption 42, La Ladra - EP. 1 - Le cose cambiano
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But when we add an S to the beginning as a sort of prefix, the meaning changes. Something is set up or placed and seems stable, but then you displace it: spiazzare. It's generally used figuratively to mean "to catch someone off guard."
So, spiazzare is "to cause someone to feel less stable." You floor them, you take away their certainties, you take them by surprise.
E poi ti spiazzava.
And then she would take you by surprise.
Spiazzava te che eri al suo fianco,
She would totally surprise you, you, who were by her side,
spiazzava il pubblico.
she would floor the audience.
Ma a volte ti accorgevi che spiazzava anche se stessa...
But sometimes you would realize that she took even herself by surprise...
Captions 29-32, Illuminate - Margherita Hack - Part 11
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E io sono abituata a condurre il gioco. Insomma, mi sento spiazzata.
And I am used to leading the game. Basically, I'm flummoxed.
Captions 77-78, Provaci ancora prof! - S1E3 - Una piccola bestia ferita
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We've had a request for a lesson about vocabulary in the workplace. It's a great request, and the topic is an important one.
Let's first look at the workplaces themselves. The most basic thing we'll want to say is, "I'm going to work, bye."
There are a couple of different variations on the expression.
Some say Vado al lavoro. This implies you are going to your workplace, where you work.
Be', mamma, io vado al lavoro, ci vediamo stasera.
Well, Mom, I'm going to work. I'll see you tonight.
Caption 11, Il Commissario Manara - S2EP8 - Fuori servizio - Part 13
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Some say vado a lavoro. It means the same thing, but there is no article. It's just a matter of personal preference or regional usage.
Some say: vado a lavorare. It is a general word but tends to be used when the job isn't in an office, but rather in a factory, or some place where the work is manual in nature.
I bambini vanno a scuola e le persone vanno a lavorare.
Children go to school and people go to work.
Captions 39-40, Corso di italiano con Daniela - Orari di apertura e sistema scolastico
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Then we come back from work. The verb is tornare (to return)
E quando mia madre e mio padre sono tornati dal lavoro,
And when my mother and father came home from work,
ci hanno trovato con dei cucchiai
they found us with some spoons
che fingevano i microfoni e noi cantavamo.
which we pretended were microphones, and we would sing.
Captions 19-21, Anna e Marika - ricordi di infanzia
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Similar to English, Italians talk about going to the office. For this, we use the preposition in, not a. They both can mean "to." When coming and going, we don't use the article before ufficio (office).
Allora, ti dico che devi tornare subito in ufficio.
So, I'm telling you that you have to come back to the office right away.
Caption 78, Il Commissario Manara - S1EP9 - Morte in paradiso - Part 8
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Another word that can mean "office" is lo studio. Although uno studio can be a studio for photography, filming, recording, or creating art, and the like, it's also used to mean "office." This often implies a small place and is used for professions such as dentists, doctors, architects, attorneys, graphic designers, etc.
Abita a Matera e ha uno studio grafico in via Bixio.
He lives in Matera and has a graphics studio on Via Bixio.
Caption 35, Imma Tataranni Sostituto procuratore - S1 EP3 I giardini della memoria
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Un momento prima sei al lavoro,
One moment earlier, you're at work,
o nel traffico o a casa tua
or in traffic, or at home,
e un momento dopo
and one moment later,
sei sul letto di uno studio urologico.
you are on the exam table at the urologist's office.
Captions 8-10, La linea verticale - EP1 - Part 2
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La fabbrica is a factory or plant.
Ma Lei lo sa che è stato licenziato dalla fabbrica dove lavorava
But did you know that he was fired from the factory where he worked
perché ha sferrato un pugno al suo capo reparto.
because he punched his department head?
Captions 57-58, Imma Tataranni Sostituto procuratore - S1 EP2 Come piante fra sassi
Play Caption
Lots of factories are grouped in a part of a city zoned for industry. It's called la zona industriale.
Now let's talk about what to call the people who work in places. The most general term is un lavoratore (a worker). We can see the verb lavorare (to work) and the noun il lavoro (the job). But let's look at some words that are a bit more specific.
When we're talking about a factory-type situation, where workers do manual work, then one word we use is operaio (worker).
In a factory situation, workers generally have one shift or another. This is il turno. We can have il turno di giorno or il turno di notte. Some factories have three shifts or turni. 6:00 AM - 2:00 PM, 2:00 PM - 10:00 PM, and 10:00 PM - 6:00 AM.
Questo è l'altro operaio
This is the other worker
che faceva il turno di notte sabato sera?
who was working the night shift on Saturday night?
Caption 32, Il Commissario Manara - S2EP8 - Fuori servizio - Part 5
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In an office situation, on the other hand, an employee working at a desk or a counter is usually indicated with the generic term, l'impiegato or l'impiegata depending on whether they are male or female. This nomenclature comes from the verb impiegare (to use, to employ).
Sposare voi, un umile
Marry you, [me] a humble,
impiegato morto di fame e sempre squattrinato.
starving employee and always penniless.
Caption 28, Totò e Lia Zoppelli - Romeo e Giulietta
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Il dipendente
Un impiegato is almost surely also un dipendente: someone who works for someone else. Dipendente is even more generic than impiegato. It's more about being paid by someone else.
Lei è Adriano Olivetti?
Are you Adriano Olivetti?
Non mi conosce.
You don't know me.
Sono la figlia di un Suo dipendente, Mario Pagani.
I'm the daughter of one of your employees, Mario Pagani.
Captions 16-17, Adriano Olivetti - La forza di un sogno Ep.2 - Part 26
Play Caption
L'azienda - la ditta
So if you want to mention how many people work in a company, you use the noun dipendente. The company someone works for may be called un'azienda, (which gives the impression of a large company) or una ditta.
L'azienda è in espansione,
The company is expanding.
ha ormai sedicimila dipendenti.
By now it has sixteen thousand employees.
Caption 38, Adriano Olivetti - La forza di un sogno Ep.2 - Part 3
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E poi vedi di scoprire qualcosa su quest'altra ditta,
And then try to discover something about this other company,
quella che fornisce il latte.
the one that supplies the milk.
Caption 54, Il Commissario Manara - S2EP6 - Sotto tiro - Part 4
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So we have two different nouns — dipendente and impiegato — that are generally translated as "employee," so this can be confusing. Impiegato/a usually describes someone who works at a computer or at a desk or counter. Dipendente is more about the relationship between who pays and who gets paid.
Note that impiegato and dipendente are also adjectives.
In Part 2, we will talk about other roles in a workplace.
Even though crime is the name of the game on Wednesdays, there's always plenty to learn that has nothing to do with crime and everything to do with culture.
This lesson refers to a mini-episode of I Bastardi di Pizzofalcone.
When Paolo and Lojacono are at Lojacono's favorite trattoria da Letizia for dinner, she brings them a pasta dish. How could we not mention it? It's called lo scarpariello.
Ecco qua lo scarpariello. -Grazie. -Prego.
Here is the "scarpariello." -Thanks. -You're welcome.
Caption 49, I Bastardi di Pizzofalcone - EP2 Rabbia
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When we see a long word ending in ello, there is a good chance it's an elaboration of a pre-existing word. Can you detect the noun scarpa in there?
What do shoes have to do with pasta you might ask? Legend has it that the origins of this pasta dish be traced to the Quartieri Spagnoli ("Spanish" neighborhoods) of Naples, where shoemakers tended to reside, in earlier times. Although the Italian word for "shoemaker" is il calzolaio, lo scarparo is a regional (Southern) form of lo scarpaio, a variant of il calzolaio. Their day off — il giorno di riposo — was lunedì — Monday. So Monday was "leftovers day." The leftover pasta sauce from Sunday dinner was recycled to make a delicious pasta dish on Monday.
In addition, some of the ingredients, such as the pecorino or Parmigiano might have been given to the shoemaker in place of payment for shoe repair. But over time, as often happens with humble recipes, the dish has risen from its status as un piatto di recupero (leftovers) to a simple but elegant favorite, made with the simple, fresh ingredients available locally: pomodorini (cherry or other small-sized tomatoes), basilico (basil), peperoncino (chili peppers), aglio (garlic), and olio di oliva (olive oil) with the addition of grated pecorino romano and/or Parmigiano.
Here is a great and fun video recipe for this dish. Attenzione! Luca parla molto veloce (Luca speaks very fast) but he shows you what he is doing, which makes it easier to understand.
When you meet someone halfway on a deal, or you go towards someone who is coming towards you, say, on the street, we often use the turn of phrase: andare incontro a.
Andare is "to go" and incontro in this case is an adverb (or preposition) meaning "toward."
Mi puoi venire incontro?
Can you meet me halfway?
Using this turn of phrase can be a little confusing, but here are the elements:
a verb of motion, which is usually andare (to go) or venire (to come). It might even be correre (to run).
the adverb or preposition incontro meaning "toward"
the preposition a (to)
an indirect object noun or pronoun
Let's look at some Yabla examples of how we can use andare incontro a.
The word order can change and often the indirect object comes first, as in the following examples. In this case, the preposition a is included or implied in the indirect pronoun.
Ti vengo incontro (I'll meet you halfway).
È successo che stavo pulendo il locale e...
What happened is that I was cleaning the bar and...
poi l'ho sentita e gli [sic: le] sono andato incontro,
then I heard her and I went towards her,
ma non c'è stato verso di farla ragionare.
but there was no way to get her to reason.
Captions 2-4, Imma Tataranni Sostituto procuratore - S1EP1 L'estate del dito
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La notte, Roma, le sue luci e tu che mi vieni incontro.
The night, Rome, its lights and you coming towards me.
Captions 1-2, La Ladra - EP. 12 - Come ai vecchi tempi
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In the following example, the verb correre (to run) is used instead of andare (to go) or venire (to come), but it works the same way.
Attori, tecnici, comparse gli corrono incontro.
Actors, technicians, extras run towards them.
Caption 16, Vivere - Un'avventura di Vittorio De Sica - Part 10
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If, rather than a pronoun, I use a noun (la difficoltà) as an object, as in the next examples, then I will need the proposition a.
Vado incontro a tante difficoltà.
(I'm going to run into plenty of difficulties).
Io vado incontro al mio destino
I go towards my destiny
Caption 21, Niccolò Fabi - Lontano da me
Play Caption
Io e Sua Eminenza cercheremo una soluzione
His Eminence and I will look for a solution
quanto possibile per venire incontro
as far as possible to meet you half way
a quello che Lei mi ha chiesto.
for what you have asked me.
Captions 29-31, Vivere - Un'avventura di Vittorio De Sica - Part 9
Play Caption
In the next example, it's a bit different, because Nora is using the first person plural to make things sound more collaborative, but the meaning is clear. She wants a discount.
Senta, io so che Lei è un professionista, una brava persona,
Listen, I know that you are a professional, a good person,
quindi non possiamo venirci incontro un pochino sul prezzo?
so can't we meet halfway a bit on the price?
Captions 25-26, Sposami - EP 4 - Part 14
Play Caption
Another reason andare incontro a can cause confusion is that l'incontro exists as a noun (the encounter) and incontrare means "to meet" or "to encounter." The first person singular of incontrare is incontro (I encounter, I meet). For more on these meanings, see this lesson: Close Encounters with Incontro.
In addition, in is a preposition all on its own meaning "to" or "in." Contro is a preposition meaning "against."
One of the hardest things in Italian, at least for beginners, is trying to figure out how mi piace means "I like." How does it fit? Which word means "I" and which word means "to like"? These are great questions, and we explore some answers below, but if you want to just start speaking in Italian, don't worry about the grammar and the exact translation. Just start rolling it around on your tongue and in your brain. Mi piace.
Mi piace.
"Mi piace" (I like it).
Caption 10, Corso di italiano con Daniela - Mi piace
Play Caption
Why this advice? Because the answer to these is a little complicated and it can be daunting. It's more important to start speaking right away. If we get a tiny bit of Italian under our belts, we will feel a little more confident about learning a little grammar. In fact, you will need a little grammar as soon as we start using the plural, when we talk about people other than ourselves and items that are more than one. If you are already comfortable with saying mi piace, go ahead and skip this part.
Let's get started:
To say, "I like it," you don't have to think about fitting in the pronoun "it." It's good enough just to say mi piace.
Mi... piace.
"Mi... piace."
Caption 2, Corso di italiano con Daniela - Mi piace
Play Caption
Mi piace.
"Mi piace" (I like it).
Caption 10, Corso di italiano con Daniela - Mi piace
Play Caption
If you just learn to say mi piace when you like something, you are already speaking Italian! The more you say it, the more it will feel natural. There are going to be things you don't like, too, so let's look at how to form the negative. It's easy.
If you don't like something, then you can say non mi piace (I don't like it). So, in contrast to English, we put the negative part first: non, which basically means "not." The rest of the phrase stays the same. Mi piace, non mi piace (I like it, I don't like it).
Ah, a proposito c'è un pane che proprio non mi piace
Ah, by the way there's a bread that I really don't like
che è quello Toscano perché è senza sale.
which is the Tuscan kind because it's without salt.
Captions 23-24, Anna e Marika - Il pane
Play Caption
Try looking around the space you are in right now. What do you like? What don't you like? Give your answer in Italian. Mi piace, non mi piace. Possible items to think of or point to:
a color
a work of art
a composer
a photo
a house
a car
a band
an actor
a city
If you don't know what something is called in Italian, just point to it.
Here are some examples to get you started. One important thing: Use items in the singular or collective nouns. When we begin referring to multiple items or people, the verb changes. We'll get to that, but not right now!
Some suggestions:
il colore verde (the color green)
l'opera lirica (opera)
Venezia (Venice)
il mare (the sea)
leggere (reading)
il riso (rice)
il cinema (the movies)
What if you want to ask someone else if they like something?
To ask a friend if they like something, then it's ti piace? We're just changing the object pronoun to the second-person singular, ti.
Ask an imaginary friend about these things. Just make sure to keep the thing you are asking about in the singular. Note that Italians usually put a definite article before the noun.
Il riso ti piace (do you like rice)?
la pizza
la musical classica (classical music)
l'opera lirica (opera)
questa casa (this house)
la birra (beer)
l'acqua frizzante (sparkling water)
viaggiare (traveling)
il calcio (soccer)
We have provided some possible solutions at the bottom of the page.
Daniela gives a video lesson about mi piace, so check it out if you aren't comfortable using it yet. She explains things in Italian, but she gestures and uses a blackboard, and of course, there are captions in both Italian and English, so you are covered. Sometimes this video is a free demo, so check it out even if you are not a subscriber to Yabla! If you don't see it, let us know.
Grammar time — the tough stuff
Now, we'll focus on how mi piace works, from a grammatical point of view.
Truth be told, one of the weird things about Italian, from an English point of view, is that there is no real translation for "I like." The "piace" part of mi piace is actually the third-person singular conjugation of the verb piacere (to please, to be pleasing). Why is that? We'll try to explain it here.
Some essentials:
1) The mi in mi piace is an object pronoun, not a subject pronoun so it doesn't mean "I." In English, "I" is a subject pronoun.
Mi can be a direct object pronoun meaning "me." In this case it can take a transitive verb such as chiamare (to call): mi chiami (you'll call me)? Ti chiamo (I'll call you).
But mi can also be an indirect object meaning "to me." In fact, when mi is an indirect object, it is a kind of contraction that means a me (to me). So, another way to say mi piace is a me piace. It means the same thing and puts some emphasis on the person doing the liking, not the thing that is liked.
2) The verb piacere doesn't really mean "to like" but that's the verb Italians use to express liking something. As mentioned above, it means "to please," "to be pleasing," or "to delight." The subject, in other words, whatever is "performing the action," is the thing that is liked, the thing that is pleasing (such as pizza or the color pink), not the person who likes it. This is tough to grasp.
3) The English verb "to like" is transitive, but the Italian verb piacere is intransitive. In other words, it can't take a direct object. It takes an indirect object and needs a preposition (usually a [to])! So translating directly, word for word, just won't work. In point number 4, we talk about the verb amare (to love) which is transitive just like the verb "to love," so it is easier to grasp.
4) In English, "to love" is a transitive verb. Unlike piacere — an intransitive verb, the verb amare (to love) is transitive, so this makes amare easier to grasp and to use. So yes, you can say, Amo la pizza (I love pizza) and you would be able to understand the grammar. Io amo la pizza. (Just remember that we can leave off the personal pronoun — in this case io [I] — because the conjugation already indicates the person.) But you can't say
piaccio la pizza. It makes no sense. Piaccio needs an indirect object, that is, an object + preposition. I can say piaccio al mio ragazzo (my boyfriend likes me. I am pleasing/attractive to my boyfriend).5) To sum up, the subject of the sentence is the thing that is doing the pleasing, in this case la pizza (the pizza). Mi piace la pizza. La pizza (the pizza) is the thing that is pleasing to me. It's the subject of the sentence. So when we say mi piace, we are saying something to the effect of "it is pleasing to me." We would never say that in English, but it can help understand how the verb piacere works. Mi piace la pizza.
Now let's examine a short conversation from a TV series in which the verb piacere is used various times. Perhaps this back-and-forth will help make it feel more natural.
The show in question is Un medico in famiglia. Lele (a guy) is a doctor and a widower with three kids. Some people are trying to get him to start dating and so he finally does go out with a woman named Irene. After his date, he discusses things with his sister-in-law, Alice. She is trying to put herself in his shoes...
Alice:E invece adesso ci pensi (but now you are thinking about it):
Mi piace? Me ne sto innamorando (do I like her? Am I falling in love)?
Guarda che capita anche a me. (look, it happens to me, too).
Ma Irene almeno ti piace (but do you at least like her/is she at least pleasing to you)?
Più o meno (more or less)
Alice:E tu a lei piaci (and does she like you/are you pleasing to her)?
Credo di sì (I think so).
Here, you can listen and watch. Just click on "Play Caption."
E invece adesso ci pensi.
But now you are thinking about it.
Mi piace? Me ne sto innamorando?
Do I like her? Am I falling in love?
Captions 27-28, Un medico in famiglia Stagione 1 - EP5 Lele, ti presento Irene
Play Caption
Guarda che capita anche a me.
Look, it happens to me, too.
-Ma Irene almeno ti piace?
-But do you like Irene?
-Più o meno.
-More or less.
Captions 29-31, Un medico in famiglia Stagione 1 - EP5 Lele, ti presento Irene
Play Caption
Here, Alice is asking Lele if he thinks he is pleasing to Irene, in other words, if Lele thinks Irene likes him.
E tu a lei piaci?
And does she like you?
Credo di sì.
I think so.
Captions 34-35, Un medico in famiglia Stagione 1 - EP5 Lele, ti presento Irene
Play Caption
Possible questions and answers to our list of examples:
Note: As you will see, the word order doesn't matter. You can begin with the item (the subject) or the indirect object and verb: mi piace/non mi piace/ti piace.
il riso (rice) - Il riso ti piace (do you like rice)? Mi piace! Mi piace il riso. Il riso mi piace. Il riso non mi piace. Non mi piace il riso.
la pizza - Ti piace la pizza? La pizza ti piace? Mi piace la pizza. Non mi piace la pizza.
la musica classica (classical music) - Ti piace la musica classica? Non mi piace la musica classica.
l'opera lirica (opera) - L'opera lirica ti piace o no? Mi piace l'opera lirica.
questa casa (this house) - Questa casa non mi piace. Ti piace questa casa?
la birra (beer) - Ti piace la birra? Mi piace la birra.
l'acqua frizzante (sparkling water) - L'acqua frizzante ti piace o non ti piace? Non mi piace l'acqua frizzante.
viaggiare (traveling) - Ti piace viaggiare? Sì, mi piace viaggiare. Mi piace molto.
il calcio (soccer) - Non mi piace il calcio.
In the next lesson in this series, we will build on these questions and answers and look at multiple items to like or not.
Yabla has been featuring a documentary series about famous Italian women. One of these women was Margherita Hack, who was a renowned scientist and astronomer. Her story is pretty fascinating.
Margherita grew up during the Italian fascist period and then got married in 1944 when the war was still going on. The war years were very rough for Italians. There was little food to go around, and money was scarce. In fact, when they got married, both Aldo and Margherita had coats that were "turned inside out." What did that mean?
Tutti e due con un cappotto rivoltato,
Both with a coat turned inside out,
perché allora i soldi veramente erano molto pochi.
because at the time there was really very little money.
Captions 38-39, Illuminate - Margherita Hack
Play Caption
It took a little research to figure out what rivoltato really meant in this context. It's actually kind of interesting.
Margherita and Aldo, like many Italians in the 1940s, likely had coats made of wool — lana, with a silk lining — una fodera di seta. In those days, when a coat became too shabby to be presentable, it would not be thrown away. Heaven forbid! Instead, a seamstress or someone in the family who knew how to sew (which was fairly common), would open up all the seams — scucire, then turn the woolen part inside out, and resew — ricucire the lining back on. The coat at that point was like new, or close enough.
Italians have traditionally been attentive to clothing and keeping it nice. Nowadays, it frequently costs less to buy a new item of clothing, but years back, when a collar of a shirt would get frayed, it would be turned around and resewn, or even removed completely, rather than anyone buying a new shirt. If a wife and/or mother knew how to sew, she would make shirts for the men and boys in the family and blouses and skirts for the women and girls. But clothes had to be taken care of and they had to last.
When il tessuto (the fabric) has been consumed to the point of being unsightly, the Italian word is liso (frayed, worn, threadbare). Another, more common adjective is sciupato (ruined), from the verb sciupare.
The parts of a shirt that are frequently turned inside out and re-sewn are:
We'll report here some explanations of this tradition from the WordReference Italian only forum: (We've also translated it into English for you.)
Quando c'era molta miseria ed il cappotto era liso non lo si buttava. Semplicemente lo si faceva rivoltare ad una sarta in modo che la parte esterna, sciupata, andasse all'interno e scomparisse alla vista.
When there was a lot of poverty and a coat was frayed, it wasn't thrown away. It was simply turned inside out by a seamstress so that the outside part, all worn out, would go on the inside and disappear from view.
La fodera è seta cucita sulla lana. Una sarta può scucirla e ricucirla sulla parte opposta. Poi si fa lo stesso con le tasche; si rovescia il colletto, e voilà, il padre di famiglia aveva risparmiato qualche soldino per la famiglia!
The lining is silk sewn onto the wool. A seamstress can take the stitches out and sew it on the other side. Then the same is done with the pockets; [then] you turn the collar inside out, and voilà, the father of the family had saved up a little money for the family!
-Sì, era molto comune all'epoca. E si faceva soprattutto col colletto delle camicie. Quando diventava liso, lo scucivi e lo rovesciavi per cucirlo dalla parte ancora intatta. Pensa che i prezzi dei cappotti - e dell'abbigliamento in generale - erano proibitivi all'epoca: in proporzione con i prezzi di oggi un cappotto semplice poteva costare anche mezzo stipendio.
-Yes, it was very common at the time. And it was mostly done with the collar of a shirt. When it became worn out, you took the stitches out and turned it inside out to sew it on the still intact side. Just think that the prices of coats - and of clothing in general - were prohibitive at the time: in proportion to today's prices, a simple coat could cost even half a paycheck.
A word that is related to rivoltare is risvolto. We're still talking about something turned over. For more about the root verb voltare, see this lesson. Ri often means "again" and voltare means "to turn." Il risvolto is commonly used to mean "lapel" but can also refer to the cuff on a pant leg or shirt. This word came up in another Yabla video.
In the wonderful Yabla series based on a true story Non è mai troppo tardi (It's never too late), Alberto is teaching in a reformatory and wants to sneak in some pencils for the boys to write with. The kids have plenty of experience pilfering things, and show him where to hide the pencils: in the lapel or flap.
Mae' [maestro], qui, nel risvolto della giacca,
Teach, here, in the lapel of the jacket,
le metti qua dentro. -Qui?
you put them in here. -Here?
Captions 65-66, Non è mai troppo tardi - EP1
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If you haven't watched this series yet, non è mai troppo tardi!
Something else Italians like to flip or turn over is la frittata (the omelet), either literally or figuratively.
...perché lo conosco.
...because I know him.
Lui ha una capacità nel rivoltare le frittate
He's very capable of flipping the omelet [turning the tables]
che non ci puoi credere.
like you wouldn't believe.
Captions 36-37, Sposami - EP 1 - Part 4
Play Caption
Let's talk about a word that is used a lot in Italian to mean more than its one-word, traditional translation. We're talking about sotto (under, underneath, below). Not only is it a preposition, but it's also an adverb and sometimes a noun. It can combine with other words to take on a new meaning, and in this lesson, we will just mention a few of the common ways it's used to mean something different than what we might expect.
Sotto is often preceded by qua, qui, or là when indicating something either close by or further away, but in a downward direction.
E qua sotto c'è il fiume Tevere.
And down here is the river Tiber.
Caption 19, Anna e Marika - Trattoria Al Biondo Tevere
Play Caption
When we talk about the stories or floors in a building or house, we can use sotto to indicate a lower floor. Usually, in this context, it's preceded by di (of).
Andiamo giù a vedere che cosa c'è al piano di sotto.
Let's go down to see what's on the lower floor.
Caption 23, In giro per l'Italia - Firenze
Play Caption
When you want to talk about downstairs, you can also use sotto.
Ah, perché non è di sotto?
Ah, because she's not downstairs?
Caption 4, Sposami - EP 4 - Part 9
Play Caption
Vai di sotto!
Go downstairs!
Sometimes sotto means "in front of," usually referring to a house, a building, or... one's nose. Lots of people live on the upper floors of apartment buildings, so you have to go down to get to the front of the building.
Appena ha visto i carabinieri sotto casa Sua,
As soon as you saw the carabinieri in front of your house,
se n'è scappato tipo "Fuga di mezzanotte".
you ran away, "Midnight Express" style.
Captions 8-9, Imma Tataranni Sostituto procuratore - S1 EP2 Come piante fra sassi
Play Caption
Sotto il profilo is used to mean something to the effect of "in terms of" or "as regards." Il profilo is a true cognate and friend of "the profile," but it's used figuratively here.
Rita abbia dedicato la sua vita a fare crescere la sua anima
Rita devoted her life to nurturing her soul,
e non soltanto sotto il profilo della ricerca scientifica, eh.
and not only in terms of her scientific research, uh.
and not only as regards her scientific research, uh.
Captions 41-43, Illuminate - Rita Levi Montalcini
Play Caption
Here, the Italian expression uses the preposition sotto, but the English one uses the preposition "on."
Eh... eh, non è questione di non avere nessuno sottomano,
Uh... uh, it's not a question of not having anyone on hand,
è che è molto difficile trovare la donna giusta.
it's that it's very difficult to find the right woman.
Captions 28-29, Il Commissario Manara - S1EP7 - Sogni di Vetro
Play Caption
Sottomano can also mean "handy," or "close by."
Non ho il numero sottomano ma lo posso cercare nella rubrica.
I don't have the number handy, but I can look it up in my address book.
When you are talking about a 2-piece outfit, such as pyjamas, bikini, or athletic wear, you can refer to the bottoms as il sotto (the bottom part).
We have just scratched the surface of sotto but if you absorb all these meanings (or even one or two), you will be one step closer to becoming fluent.
Why not check out Marika's video about adverbs of place (avverbi di luogo)? Attenzione: Sometimes what are considered adverbs in Italian might be considered prepositions in English.
What's the difference between dividere and condividere?
The short answer is that dividere means to "divide" and condividere means "to share." Dividere is a true cognate and is pretty obvious.
Davide doveva solo sposare Federica e dopo la sua morte,
Davide had only to marry Federica and after her death,
avremmo dovuto dividere l'eredità a metà.
we would have had to split the inheritance in two.
Captions 6-7, Il Commissario Manara - S2EP7 - Alta società
Play Caption
Condividere adds the prefix/preposition con (with), so that makes a certain amount of sense as well. To divide up something with someone.
Voglio... saluto con tanto affetto
I want to... I say farewell with great affection to
Ines, Laura, Sara, Enzo e Norbert
Ines, Laura, Sara, Enzo, and Norbert
per aver condiviso con me e la famiglia gran parte della mia vita.
for having shared with me and the family the greater part of my life.
Captions 25-27, Ennio Morricone - ''Io sono morto, vado via senza disturbare''
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But with the verb "to share" in English, we also share information with someone. We don't keep it to ourselves. But we are not dividing it up. The same nuance exists in Italian.
Lei avrebbe dovuto condividere con me ogni scoperta,
You should have shared every discovery with me,
e invece non l'ha fatto.
but you didn't do that.
Caption 20, Il Commissario Manara - S1EP1 - Un delitto perfetto
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Condividere also means to agree on something, to have the same opinion as someone else. Even in English, we can use the word "share." "I share (or I don't share) your view."
"Non condivido ciò che dici,
"I don't agree with what you say,
ma sarei disposto a dare la vita
but I would willingly give my life
affinché tu possa dirlo".
so that you could say it."
Captions 19-21, In giro per l'Italia - Mazara Del Vallo - Sicilia
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But what is interesting is that if we do a search of the verb dividere in Yabla videos, we discover that it is often synonymous with condividere, or rather, there are plenty of cases where it means "to share." Sometimes, in order to share something, you have to divide it up, so using dividere can often be clear enough. If we look at the dictionary definition of dividere, "to share" is included. So we just have to keep in mind that a short answer isn't always good enough.
This question came up because, in a recent episode of Non è mai troppo tardi, we translated dividere as "to share," not "to divide."
The context: Alberto Manzi has become a TV personality, so people stop him on the street, and he is happy to talk to them and sign autographs. But his wife Ida is not so thrilled and she resents having to share him with so many other people.
Con quanti dobbiamo dividerti ancora?
With how many more do we have to share you?
Caption 70, Non è mai troppo tardi - EP 2
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We can imagine a large pie to be divided up into slices. How big is Ida's slice of the pie? We can also note that she uses the preposition con. So it's pretty clear what she means. But do people also use con with condividere? Could she have said, Con quanti dobbiamo condividerti ancora? Probably, but it might have sounded a bit redundant and awkward. For sure, sometimes condividere and con are used together.
E quindi siamo partiti per una, circa, una quindicina di giorni
And so we left for fifteen days or so
e abbiamo vissuto in famiglia
and we stayed with families
e abbiamo praticamente condiviso con loro la loro vita quotidiana.
and we basically shared with them their daily life.
Captions 16-18, Professioni e mestieri - Erica - archeologa
Play Caption
We hope this has cleared up any doubts you might have had about the verbs dividere and condividere. Let us know at newsletter@yabla.com
For this lesson, it's a good idea to have an idea about the difference between essere and stare, keeping in mind that sometimes, they are interchangeable.
Have a look at these lessons, first, if you need some reminders because we're going to do a little quiz, where we provide some lines from Yabla videos where the verb is missing. It will be either stare or essere in some conjugation (links to conjugation charts are in this sentence). See if you can sense which one to use. Answers will be at the bottom of the page, but try not to cheat.
1) Da oggi, per molti giorni, io _______ il vostro maestro (From today, for many days, I will be your teacher).
2) Adriano _____ male e io voglio stargli vicino (Adriano isn't well and I want to stay at his side).
3) Questa ___________ la stanza di mio fratello Alberto (this was my brother Alberto's room).
4) Come ________, dottor Barale (how are you, Mister Barale)?
5) Be', capita quando il gessetto alle volte _____ troppo lungo... (Well, it happens sometimes when the chalk is too long...)
6) Così, mentre ______ per morire, invoca il nome della sua amata, Aida (and so, while he is about to die, he invokes the name of his beloved, Aida)...
7) _______ bene io e lei (she and I go well together).
8) Ti _________ aspettando per mangiare la torta (we're waiting for you to eat the cake).
9) ______ calmi (calm down).
10) Che belli che ______ (how beautiful you are)!
Let's not forget that the verb stare is used when we form the equivalent of the present progressive or continuous, as in the following example:
Stiamo parlando del caso, non di me.
We're talking about the case, not about me.
Caption 17, I Bastardi di Pizzofalcone - EP1 I Bastardi
Play Caption
1) Da oggi, per molti giorni, io sarò il vostro maestro (From today, for many days, I will be your teacher).
2) Adriano sta male e io voglio stargli vicino (Adriano isn't well and I want to stay at his side).
3) Questa era la stanza di mio fratello Alberto (this was my brother Alberto's room).
4) Come sta, dottor Barale (How are you, Mister Barale)?
5) Be', capita quando il gessetto alle volte è troppo lungo... (Well, it happens sometimes when the chalk is too long...)
6) Così, mentre sta per morire, invoca il nome della sua amata, Aida (and so, while he is about to die, he invokes the name of his beloved, Aida)...
7) Stiamo bene io e lei (she and I go well together).
8) Ti stiamo aspettando per mangiare la torta (we're waiting for you to eat the cake).
9) State calmi (calm down).
10) Che belli che siete (how beautiful you are)!
Come sta, dottor Barale?
How are you, Mister Barale?
Caption 30, Adriano Olivetti - La forza di un sogno Ep. 1
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Luckily, many words are similar in English and Italian. Sometimes they mean different things so we call them "false friends," and some of them look and sound similar and also mean similar things. They are our true friends. If they were born of the same original word, etymologically speaking, they are true cognates.
Language nerds throw around the word "cognate" a lot, so it might be nice to look at the origins of this word. Here's what the dictionary says about the word "cognate."
Etymology: 17th Century: from Latin cognātus, from co- same + gnātus born, a variant of nātus, past participle of nāscī to be born. So in plain English, we're talking about words that have the same origin.
But let's get down to the words themselves.
Some words are easy to guess, whether you are translating from Italian into English, or struggling to find a word in Italian.
Here's a partial list of some nouns you don't have to think about too much. These end in à, an A with an accent. In all these cases, that accented à is replaced by a Y in English. Of course, there are other letters in the words that change between the two languages, but they are similar enough that you can probably guess them fairly easily, primarily when you are reading them. You can listen to them in context when you hit "play caption."
l'intensità (the intensity)
Raramente lo schermo ha raccontato
Rarely has the screen told,
con tanta intensità e tanta efficacia
with so much intensity and so much potency
una storia più nuova e più coraggiosa.
a fresher and more courageous story.
Captions 4-5, Trailer ufficiale - La Strada
Play Caption
la generosità (the generosity)
La generosità di questa terra
The generosity of this land
è celebrata anche nelle specialità della cucina.
is celebrated in culinary specialities as well.
Caption 41, Marche - Opera Unica
Play Caption
la velocità (the velocity)
Ma lo sai che c'è il limite di velocità qua, ah?
But don't you know there's a speed limit here, huh?
Caption 34, Il Commissario Manara - S2EP6 - Sotto tiro
Play Caption
la città (the city)
Il fiume Tevere attraversa tutta la città di Roma...
The Tiber river crosses the entire city of Rome...
Caption 12, Anna e Marika - Il fiume Tevere
Play Caption
la stupidità (the stupidity)
Non mi sembra che la stupidità sia un reato.
I don't think that stupidity is a crime.
Caption 6, Il Commissario Manara - S2EP10 -La verità nascosta
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la libertà (the liberty)
Gestiva il suo tempo in assoluta libertà.
She managed her time in complete liberty.
Caption 12, Il Commissario Manara - S2EP3 - Delitto tra le lenzuola
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la crudeltà (the cruelty)
Quindi senza derivati animali, senza crudeltà.
So, without ingredients derived from animals, without cruelty.
Caption 39, Dolcetti vegan - al cocco e cioccolato
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la familiarità (the familiarity)
Silenzi, che familiarità
Silences, what familiarity
Caption 28, Fiorella Mannoia - Quello che le donne non dicono
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la qualità (the quality)
Al momento dobbiamo privilegiare la quantità alla qualità.
At the moment we have to favor quantity over quality.
Caption 12, La Ladra - EP. 3 - L'oro dello squalo
Play Caption
la possibilità (the possibility)
E poi, oltre a questo,
And then, beyond this,
ho anche avuto la possibilità di conoscere tantissime persone.
I also had the possibility of meeting huge number of people.
Caption 23, Arianna e Marika - Il Progetto Erasmus
Play Caption
la probabilità (the probability)
E sappiamo che, con ogni probabilità, c'erano dei riti legati al fuoco.
And we know that, in all probability, there were rituals involving fire.
Caption 56, Meraviglie - EP. 2 - Part 3
Play Caption
This isn't the only way that Italian words ending in à have cognates. Also, we don't always choose the cognate in English. Instead of "velocity" we say "speed" most of the time in colloquial speech, but you understand the noun "velocity," so you can guess what velocità means. That's the idea anyway. Let us know if this lesson was helpful or not, and thanks for reading.
When you meet someone new, what do you say?
One way to introduce yourself is to say Ciao and then who you are:
Ciao, io sono Ida.
Hi, I'm Ida.
Caption 23, Non è mai troppo tardi - EP 2
Play Caption
In the following example, Ida recognizes Ricotta, so she says:
Tu devi essere il famoso Ricotta. Ciao, piacere.
You must be the famous Ricotta. Hi, nice to meet you.
Captions 19-20, Non è mai troppo tardi - EP 2
Play Caption
And you can combine these two and say something like:
Ciao, piacere, sono ____________.
Hi, nice to meet you, I'm _______________.
Young people will usually say Ciao (hi) and then their name. After ciao, there is usually the verb essere (to be)
Ciao, sono __________.
Hi, I'm ____________.
But if you are not the first to speak, you can just say,
Piacere, [your name].
Nice to meet you, I'm [your name].
In this case, you can leave out the verb essere (to be) in Italian. It is enough to just say your name. Piacere, in this case, is a noun, meaning "pleasure." So, you don't need an article, you don't need a verb. You just need the one word, piacere and your name. How simple is that?
Piacere, Grazia. -Piacere, Adriano.
How do you do? Grazia. -A pleasure, Adriano.
Caption 23, Adriano Olivetti - La forza di un sogno Ep. 1
Play Caption
Poi is a short word, and it's an adverb, but it is used extremely often, and more often than not, it means something other than its basic translation of "then." The English word "then" is also one of those words we find in all sorts of situations, meaning various things. Sometimes it's tricky to find the "right" English equivalent of poi, since it is also used as a kind of filler word in Italian.
Let's look at the dictionary definition of poi. The first definition is "then." How helpful is that? Not so helpful, except in the most basic cases.
At its most basic, poi may be used like "then" to put things in order, in a series. For example, if you are giving someone instructions, you will use "Then you do this..." The same thing can be done in Italian. Here, Daniela is listing the colors and how they work in Italian.
I colori positivi sono: grigio.
The positive colors are: gray.
Grigio. La maglia di Sandra è grigia.
Gray. Sandra's sweater is gray.
Poi abbiamo il nero.
Then we have "nero" (black).
La mia maglia è nera.
My sweater is black.
Poi abbiamo la maglia di Ingeborg che è... bianca.
Then we have Ingeborg's sweater, which is... white.
Captions 4-8, Corso di italiano con Daniela - I colori
Play Caption
When someone is telling a story, you might ask:
E poi cosa è successo?
And then what happened?
Caption 30, Acqua in bocca - Rapimento e riscatto - Ep 12
Play Caption
But poi can also mean later. Maybe the easiest way to remember this is in the expression prima o poi (sooner or later).
Se nascevo da un'altra parte,
If I was [had been] born somewhere else,
prima o poi, il destino bussava.
sooner or later, destiny would have come knocking.
Caption 20, Chi m'ha visto - film
Play Caption
Speaking of expressions, another one that's used a lot is d'ora in poi from now on:
Siamo una cinquantina
There are about fifty of us
e siamo tutti pronti ad avere,
and we are ready to have,
d'ora in poi, come soli referenti voi.
from now on, you as our sole representative,
Captions 24-25, Adriano Olivetti - La forza di un sogno Ep.2
Play Caption
In other words, we're talking about "later than this moment," or "henceforth." But we can also say da quel moment in poi, when we're talking about the past or the future — from then on, from that moment forward.
Sometimes poi is used like "besides," "in the end," "all in all."
Poi, adesso che ha deciso di candidarsi alle elezioni,
Besides, now that he has decided to run for election,
ha in testa soltanto la politica e il Movimento Comunità.
he has only politics and the Community Movement in mind.
Captions 4-5, Adriano Olivetti - La forza di un sogno Ep.2
Play Caption
In the following example, we could even leave poi out, and the sentence would make sense.
...perché questo serve per
...because this serves to
rendere ermetica la chiusura,
create the hermetic seal,
quindi non far entrare l'aria,
meaning it doesn't let in any air,
che poi è quella che va a far deteriorare la marmellata.
which is, in the end, what makes the jam deteriorate.
Captions 75-78, Andromeda - Marmellata anti spreco
Play Caption
So, often, poi is just used as filler. In fact, here, it's even left out of the translation, because del resto is already complete. But poi embellishes it a bit, to mean "also" or "too."
Come prosciutto e melone poi del resto, però la mozzarella...
Like cured ham and melon, for that matter, but mozzarella...
Caption 23, Anna e Marika - La mozzarella di bufala - La produzione e i tagli
Play Caption
We have just scratched the surface. If you find instances of poi that you don't understand, please let us know and we will add on to this lesson.
Let's look at the common noun il passo. It's used in a variety of ways in Italian. Let's keep in mind, however, that passo is also the first-person singular of the verb passare (to pass). That's not what this lesson is about.
We usually translate il passo with "the step."
Questo è soltanto il primo passo.
This is just the first step.
Caption 1, Adriano Olivetti - La forza di un sogno Ep.2
Play Caption
Che vuoi fa' [romanesco: fare]?
What can you do?
Un passo avanti e due indietro come i gamberi, fanno.
One step forward and two backwards, as shrimp do.
Caption 35, Il Commissario Manara - S2EP2 - L'addio di Lara
Play Caption
Bene. Allora, Anna, io direi che secondo me è il momento giusto
Good. So, Anna, I would say that in my opinion, it's the right moment
per spiegare passo per passo come realizzare questa ricetta.
to explain, step by step how to make this recipe.
Captions 92-93, L'Italia a tavola - Tonnarelli cacio e pepe
Play Caption
Here's some great advice in just about any situation:
Un passo alla volta...
One step at a time...
Caption 52, La linea verticale - EP1 - Part 4
Play Caption
Although we can translate "a passage" with un passaggio, we can also use un passo.
La figurazione della fontana
The figures depicted on the fountain
è tratta da un passo della Bibbia.
are taken from a passage from the Bible.
Caption 87, In giro per l'Italia - Roma Piazza Navona
Play Caption
But that's not the whole story on passo.
Al passo means "at a walk" when we're talking about the gait of a horse or other animal.
...e si fa al passo o al galoppo, il volteggio. -Meraviglioso.
...and vaulting is done at a walk or at a canter. -Marvelous.
Caption 48, Francesca - Cavalli
Play Caption
Il passo can be "the pace" or "the rate."
E io non so se mi metterò al passo con lei.
I don't know if I will be able to keep up with her [to go at her pace].
Caption 27, Il Commissario Manara - S2EP9 - L'amica ritrovata
Play Caption
Se continuiamo di questo passo non mi meraviglierei.
If we keep going at this rate, I wouldn't be surprised.
Caption 51, Imma Tataranni Sostituto procuratore - S1EP1 L'estate del dito
Play Caption
One way to take a walk is "to take two steps." It's a casual way to say it.
Faccio due passi.
I'm going to step out.
Caption 26, I Bastardi di Pizzofalcone - EP1 I Bastardi
Play Caption
In fact, "2 steps" is also synonymous with "a short distance." So when something is a short distance away, we can say it's a due passi. (literally, "two steps away").
Sta qui a due passi, Luca.
It's right near here, Luca.
Caption 47, Il Commissario Manara - S1EP6 - Reazione a Catena
Play Caption
Other meanings:
Il passo can also be a pass in the mountains or in a river, just like in English.
When you need to buy some screws (le viti) at a hardware store, the clerk might ask you quale passo or che passo? He or she is talking about the threading. The word for threading is filettatura, from il filo (the thread) or filare (to thread).
Era ora. If we unpack it, we can see we have the imperfetto (simple past tense) of the verb essere (to be). And then we have ora. It means "hour" or "time" if we put an article in front of it, but it is also an adverb, meaning "now." In the case of the expression, there is no article and so it's not exactly clear which part of speech is meant. It doesn't really matter, because it's an expression that never changes.
Note that in Italian, it's always in the past tense, the imperfetto to be precise. In English, on the other hand, we can say it in the past or the present, or we can leave the verb out altogether. To form this expression in English, we do add the word "about." "It's about time," or "It was about time," or just, "About time!" We might also say, "High time."
Era ora is a great expression and easy to use. There is always an imaginary exclamation point after it. When someone arrives late, it is something to say, but it's a veiled reprimand (meaning, "you're late!"), depending on one's tone and facial expression, so it should be used with care when directed at a person. It can also refer to a situation, such as a delayed train or delivery.
We have hunted through Yabla videos to find some examples you can watch and listen to.
Eccomi qua.
Here I am.
-Ce l'hai fatta. Era ora, Mirò!
-You did it. It was about time, Mirò!
Sono contenta che tu sia tornato giù.
I'm glad you came back down.
Captions 70-73, Gatto Mirò - EP6 Buon compleanno
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Ragazzi, ho portato le birre.
Guys, I've brought the beers.
-Era ora!
-It was about time!
Meno male che qualcuno ha pensato di portare da bere,
Good thing that someone thought of bringing something to drink,
sembrava la festa delle medie! -Ecco qua.
it seemed like a junior high school party. -Here you go.
Captions 9-12, Il Commissario Manara - S1EP12 - Le verità nascoste
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Manara is very late for his dinner at Toscani's house. That's why Toscani says, when he opens the door:
Era ora, eh!
About time, huh!
Che è?
What is it?
Ma che stai a fa' [che fai]?
But what are you doing?
-Con permesso? Permesso?
-Allow me to come in, may I?
Captions 28-31, Il Commissario Manara - S2EP1 - Matrimonio con delitto
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Manara, being Manara, has grabbed the wine off the table, gone back to the door, and come in a second time (saying Permesso), pretending he has brought the bottle.
Here, the police went through all the bags of the bus passengers and it took a while.
Questo è l'ultimo e l'ispezione dei bagagli è finita.
This is the last one, and the inspection of the luggage is complete.
-I ragazzi hanno avuto le loro borse?
-Do the guys all have their bags?
-Tutti andati pure. Prego.
-They've all gone, too. Please.
-Era ora anche, eh.
-It was about time, too, huh.
Captions 47-50, Il Commissario Manara - S2EP9 - L'amica ritrovata
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Eva goes to see her favorite counterfeiter after a long absence.
La ladra più bella del mondo!
The most beautiful thief in the world!
Era ora che te [ti] facevi rivede [rivedere].
It was high time you reappeared.
Sono passati tanti anni!
Many years have passed!
Captions 48-50, La Ladra - EP. 1 - Le cose cambiano
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A friend chastising another for not going out enough.
Che c'è che non va?
What's wrong?
Niente, una storia con un uomo
Nothing, a relationship with a man
che rischia di diventare importante.
that's in danger of becoming important.
-Be', era ora, no?
-Well, it was about time, wasn't it?
Captions 45-47, La Ladra - EP. 8 - Il momento giusto
Play Caption
A relationship had been hampered by some psychological problems.
Fine dell'Edipo. -Era ora.
My Oedipus complex is over. -About time.
Caption 9, La Ladra - EP. 12 - Come ai vecchi tempi
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Camilla's car has a hard time starting. When the motor finally turns over, era ora (it was about time)!
Forza, dai, dai, dai, ci siamo, ci siamo.
Come on, come on, come on, come on, we're there, we're there.
-Sì, ci siamo. -Ma quanno 'a cambi qua stufa [romanesco: ma quando lo cambi quel rudere]?
-Yes, we made it. -But when are you going to trade in that jalopy?
-Fatto, ecco.
-Done, there we go.
-Era ora. -Sei stato fortissimo.
-About time. -You were great.
Captions 27-30, Provaci ancora prof! - S2EP1 - La finestra sulla scuola
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Era ora is a way of saying "finally!" And sometimes both expressions can be used together.
Be', hanno fatto la pace.
Well, they made up.
Era ora, finalmente.
It was about time, finally.
Captions 68-69, Provaci ancora prof! - S2EP2 Una mina vagante
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Although Era ora works fine on its own, and that is the scope of this lesson, it can also be part of a sentence and will generally be followed by che, in which case we need the subjunctive.
Era ora che mi telefonassi (it was about time you called me).
Troppo (too, too much, too many) is an essential word to know. It's also easy because its meaning is clear even if you use it by itself, even if you use it incorrectly. It is a word that will serve you well if you travel to Italy, and especially if you do any shopping. But let's remember that it can be used as either an adverb or an adjective. So it's just one more thing to think about when using it (correctly).
Troppo caro! is an important phrase to memorize. Too expensive!
The question you might ask before saying that is:
Quanto costa (how much does it cost)?
If you don't understand the answer, try to get the vendor to write down the price.
Here below, troppo is used as an adverb. We see there is an adjective following it: caro (expensive, dear).
Ma è troppo caro, ma questo vasetto qua...
But that's too expensive, but this little pot here...
Caption 60, Il Commissario Manara - S1EP10 - Un morto di troppo
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You can also just say È troppo (it's too much) or Costa troppo (it costs too much).
Typical uses of troppo as an adverb:
Troppo difficile (too difficult)
Troppo forte (too loud, too strong)
Troppo caldo (too hot)
Troppo complicato (too complicated)
Even when the adjective modifies an adjective with a feminine ending, troppo (as an adverb) remains the same.
Lei è troppo ansiosa (she is too anxious).
I miei professori sono troppo esigenti (my teachers are too demanding).
But we can also use troppo as an adjective. Attenzione! When we use troppo as an adjective it has to agree, or correspond, to the noun it is modifying. We have to consider gender and number and thus, in translating troppo as an adjective, we have to think of whether it's "too much" or "too many."
So let's say we are again finding an item to be too expensive. We can say:
Sono troppi soldi (that's too much money) .
Remember money is countable in Italian. Un soldo (a penny) or i soldi (the money).
Chances are that when you see troppo (with an o at the end) it will be an adverb but look around to see whether there is an adjective or a noun after it.
C'è troppo aglio.
There's too much garlic.
Caption 1, Dafne - Film - Part 18
Play Caption
When you see troppi or troppe, then you know they are adjectives.
Tu ti fai troppi problemi, troppi.
You're having too many scruples, too many.
Caption 16, Sposami - EP 3 - Part 20
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Ti ho perdonato... ti ho perdonato troppe volte.
I've forgiven you... I've forgiven you too many times.
Caption 43, Concorso internazionale di cortometraggio - A corto di idee
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Let's also be aware that troppo is often used by itself: È troppo! to mean, "that's too much!" in a figurative way.
Tanto is another word that is very useful and very common, although it does have various meanings and uses that we won't cover here. We'll limit ourselves to talking about its function as an adjective or adverb to mean "a lot," "much," "many," or "very."
Ben presto però si sviluppò in Europa, dove ebbe tanto successo.
Quite early on, it spread to Europe, where it had a lot of success.
Caption 7, Adriano - balla il Tango Argentino
Play Caption
In the example above, there's a noun after tanto, so we can see it's an adjective. But in the following example, there's an adjective after tanto, so it's an adverb. When translating, we'll need "very" when tanto is used as an adverb.
Il problema principale è che Boss era un gatto...
The main problem was that Boss was a cat...
era ed è un gatto tanto socievole.
he was, and is, a very sociable cat.
Captions 31-32, Andromeda - La storia di Boss
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We use tanto a lot in negative sentences too, or we can use poco the same way:
Non è tanto bello (it's not very nice).
È poco bello (it's not very nice).
When tanto is used as an adjective, we have to watch the endings, just as we did with troppo.
Si può aggiungere il caffè, si possono aggiungere tanti ingredienti...
One can add coffee, one can add many ingredients...
Caption 10, Andromeda - in - Storia del gelato
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...in vista di tante passeggiate all'aria aperta.
...in anticipation of many walks in the open air.
Caption 35, Adriano - Le stagioni dell'anno
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So basically troppo and tanto work the same way, in terms of grammar. As we said before, tanto has other meanings or nuances, so we suggest doing a search of tanto in the lessons tab, to see multiple lessons about the word. Check them out!
We have seen before that Italians use the number 2 or sometimes the number 4 to indicate "a small number" or a small amount.
È qua, siete fortunato, è proprio qua a due passi.
It's here, you're lucky, it's right here, a couple of steps away [very close by].
Caption 6, Moscati, l'amore che guarisce - EP1 - Part 20
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Faccio due passi.
I'm going to step out/I'm going to take a walk.
Caption 26, I Bastardi di Pizzofalcone - EP1 I Bastardi - Part 22
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We use due passi when we want to suggest taking a little walk with someone, often to talk about something private while walking.
Facciamo due passi (shall we take a walk)?
Due spaghetti indicates a simple, humble meal featuring pasta. It can also indicate a plate of spaghetti.
Let's remember that in Italian, spaghetti is the plural of spaghetto, a certain shape of pasta, resembling string. In fact, the name of the pasta comes from the noun lo spago, the word for "twine." Literally, due spaghetti is "two spaghetti strands." But obviously, two is just a symbolic amount meaning "some."
Due chiacchiere, expressed in the plural, is a chat, with the idea that it will be brief. It also implies that it will be rather informal.
Va bene, allora voglio fare due chiacchiere con quella cameriera.
All right, then I want to have two chats [a little chat] with that waitress.
Caption 6, Il Commissario Manara - S1EP8 - Morte di un buttero - Part 13
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In this case, the number is accurate, because whoever is using this expression is referring to balls or testicles (which usually come in twos). But the figurative meaning is that something is a pain in the ass or a real bore. It's colloquial, and not for polite conversation, but it is common enough that we thought it was important to mention it here.
Che due palle means, "what a pain," "what a bummer," "this sucks," or "this is so boring."
Questa proprio du' palle, nun poi capi' [romanesco: due palle, non puoi capire].
This lady is a real pain in the ass, you can't imagine.
Caption 41, Un Figlio a tutti i costi - film - Part 18
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Sì? -Me so' [romanesco: mi sono] fatto du' [romanesco: due] palle così.
Yes? -I was bored out of my mind.
Caption 37, Volare - La grande storia di Domenico Modugno - Ep. 1 - Part 17
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In this lesson, we have considered the number two as an adjective before certain nouns, combinations that are particularly common, but we can use the number 2, when referring to any countable noun, just about. It can mean "a few," "some," or "not too many," so keep your eyes open for the number 2 and think about whether it is literal or figurative...
And of course, if you think of other expressions or word combinations with the number 2, we are happy to expand our library of examples, especially if you find them in Yabla videos. Write to us at newsletter@yabla.com or as a comment in the video you find the example in.
Let's talk about adverbs we can use to add a qualifier to an adjective. We can say someone is gentile (nice). But we can qualify that with an adverb such as molto (very), poco (not very), abbastanza (rather, enough), and others.
Molto (very) and poco (not very) go hand in hand. They can be either adjectives or adverbs. When they're adjectives, we change the ending according to what they modify. But when they're used as adverbs, they are invariable.
Molto is perhaps the one we hear most often. In our first example, molto becomes molti to agree with negozi (the plural of negozio). This is because it is functioning as an adjective. For more on this topic, see Daniela's lessons.
A qui [sic], a Mondello ci sono molti negozi.
Here in Mondello there are many shops:
Caption 18, Adriano - a Mondello
Play Caption
In the next example, however, molto is an adverb modifying forte (strong). As an adverb, the ending doesn't ever change. And in English, the meaning changes to "very."
In estate qui il sole è molto forte.
In summer, the sun here is very strong.
Caption 40, Adriano - Le stagioni dell'anno
Play Caption
Poco works the same way as molto and can be used as an adjective or an adverb. Here, poche agrees with ore (the plural of ora).
Poche ore fa, non più di tre.
Just a few hours ago, no more than three.
Caption 43, Il Commissario Manara - S2EP2 - L'addio di Lara
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But here, it's an adverb modifying chiaro (clear).
C'è sicuramente qualcosa di poco chiaro là sotto.
There is for sure something not very clear underneath it all.
Caption 40, I Bastardi di Pizzofalcone - EP1 I Bastardi - Part 15
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Molto and poco are opposites, more or less, but we have some "in-between" words, too.
Abbastanza is interesting because it comes from the verb bastare (to suffice). So the most logical translation for abbastanza might be "sufficiently" — to the degree of being sufficient, or "enough," which in English comes after the adjective it modifies. In everyday speech, however, we often equate abbastanza with "rather," "fairly," or in colloquial speech, "pretty."
Era abbastanza timida, abbastanza riservata.
She was rather shy, rather reserved.
Caption 2, Illuminate - Rita Levi Montalcini
Play Caption
Certo, Lojacono mi sembra uno abbastanza sveglio,
Of course, Lojacono seems quite smart to me,
ma per quanto riguarda il resto della squadra,
but regarding the rest of the team,
Lei è messo male, io lo so.
you are in bad shape, I know.
Captions 36-38, I Bastardi di Pizzofalcone - EP1 I Bastardi - Part 9
Play Caption
A synonym for abbastanza is piuttosto, usually translated as "rather." It's on the positive end of the scale but not at the top. When you say abbastanza, you might be saying something is lacking, that something is just sufficient, especially when coupled with a positive adjective such as buono (good) bene, (good, well) or bello (beautiful, nice).
Come ti senti?
How do you feel?
Abbastanza bene. -Ce la fai?
Pretty good. -Can you manage?
Captions 72-73, Il Commissario Manara - S2EP11 - Uno strano incidente di caccia
Play Caption
But with piuttosto, it's usually positive relative to what it's modifying and serves to reinforce the positive aspect of something without actually going to the point of saying molto (very). So it's generally (but not always) higher on the scale than abbastanza.
Anche se, su certi argomenti, se la cava piuttosto bene devo dire.
Even though, on some subjects, she manages rather well, I must say.
Caption 52, Il Commissario Manara - S1EP8 - Morte di un buttero
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So of course it can also modify a negative adjective, and reinforces its characteristic, as in this example:
La gestione all'interno della casa
The running of the household
è stata piuttosto complicata, i primi giorni,
was quite complicated, the first days,
Captions 2-3, COVID-19 - 3) La quarantena
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Nella memory card ce n'erano anche altre, piuttosto sfocate.
On the memory card there were others too, and rather blurry.
Caption 9, Il Commissario Manara - S2EP4 - Miss Maremma
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This adverb is similar to piuttosto, but is often another way of saying molto (much, very). But it can also be just a short step lower than molto, depending on the context and the region the speaker is from.
Ma in realtà, pensate, dopo praticamente sette secoli e più,
But actually, just think: After practically seven-plus centuries,
questi colori si sono leggermente sbiaditi. Sono assai meno brillanti.
these colors have faded somewhat. They are much less brilliant.
Captions 26-27, Meraviglie - EP. 4 - Part 4
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Another qualifying adverb is parecchio (a great deal). It's used a lot as an adjective, but works fine as an adverb, too. See this lesson.
Quindi, quando sarà finito, sicuramente mi riposerò,
So, when it's all done, I'll take a break, for sure,
perché sto parecchio stressata.
because I am totally stressed out.
Captions 50-51, Fuori era primavera - Viaggio nell'Italia del lockdown
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See this video for some explanations in Italian about qualifying adverbs, now that we've given you some pointers in English.
People have their personal favorites when it comes to adverb qualifiers. So keep your eyes and ears open. Listen for the variable endings when these qualifiers are adjectives, and the invariable ending when they're adverbs. This takes patience and experience. But little by little, you will put two and two together.
This list isn't set in stone, as these adverbs can be used differently by different people, but it can help give you an idea.
- •molto, parecchio
- •assai
- •piuttosto
- •abbastanza
- •poco
- •per niente (at all) — We didn't discuss this here but you will find it mentioned in other lessons if you do a search of niente.