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Che c'entra? — What does that have to do with it?

Here are some examples of the expression Che c'entra (what does that have to do with it)?  along with related expressions and alternate translations. 


Note that in Italian, che c'entra can be posed and structured as question, but it's not always the case, especially in the middle of a sentence. It often connects to the rest of a sentence with a comma, such as in this first example. In English, it's clearer with a question mark. Sometimes che c'entra means the same as non c'entra niente

Che c'entra, io sono il fratello.

What does that have to do with it? I'm her brother.

Caption 13, Imma Tataranni Sostituto procuratore S1 EP2 Come piante fra sassi - Part 6

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Here, cosa is used in place of che, but it means the same thing. Learn more in this lesson

Ma questo cosa c'entra con la domanda che Le ho fatto?

But this, what does it have to do with the question I asked you?

Caption 72, Non è mai troppo tardi EP1 - Part 6

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Here, rather than "it" being the implied subject of the sentence, as in the previous examples, the subject is "that delinquent." We might also translate it as, "How is that delinquent involved in this story?" 

Perché, cosa c'entra quel delinquente?

Why? What does that delinquent have to do with anything?

Caption 29, Il Commissario Manara S2EP11 - Uno strano incidente di caccia - Part 3

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Here, che c'entra is a way of saying, "So what?"

Ah ma', ma te [romanesco: mamma, ma ti] sei vista? Ma che c'entra, è una maschera di bellezza.

Hey, Mom, but have you looked at yourself? But so what? It's a beauty mask.

Captions 16-17, La Ladra EP. 10 - Un ignobile ricatto - Part 4

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Here are some examples of different conjugations of this expression:


In this example, there is no question at all. And there is no che!

Magari c'entra con quella bambina.

Maybe it has something to do with that little girl.

Caption 60, Il Commissario Manara S2EP11 - Uno strano incidente di caccia - Part 9

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Here is an example of an affirmation in the negative first person singular.

Io con quella pistola non c'entro niente, ve lo giuro.

I have nothing to do with that handgun, I swear.

Caption 91, Provaci ancora prof! S2E5 Vita da cani - Part 13

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And here is a question in the first person singular followed by an affirmation in the second person singular.  

E che c'entro io? -E be', c'entri.

And what do I have to do with it? -Well, you do have something to do with it.

Captions 12-13, Un medico in famiglia Stagione 3 S3 EP2 - Un nuovo medico in famiglia - Part 17

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Here is the same question, but the answer is said differently, with another question. 

Ma io che c'entro? -Ma come che c'entri, Giorgio?

But what do I have to do with that? -But what do you mean, what do you have to do with it, Giorgio?

Captions 33-34, Moscati, l'amore che guarisce EP 2 - Part 5

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These examples use the imperfetto

Figurati se non c'entrava lei.

No way she wasn't involved.

Caption 13, Provaci ancora prof! S2E4 L'amica americana - Part 25

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Ma che c'entravo io con quello che faceva mio padre?

But what did I have to do with what my father did?

Caption 38, I Bastardi di Pizzofalcone EP2 Rabbia - Part 6

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We hope this little overview has given you a better understanding of this common Italian turn of phrase!



Sotto and Its Common Uses


Let's talk about a word that is used a lot in Italian to mean more than its one-word, traditional translation. We're talking about sotto (under, underneath, below). Not only is it a preposition, but it's also an adverb and sometimes a noun. It can combine with other words to take on a new meaning, and in this lesson, we will just mention a few of the common ways it's used to mean something different than what we might expect.


Sotto can mean "down" 

Sotto is often preceded by qua, qui, or là when indicating something either close by or further away, but in a downward direction.


E qua sotto c'è il fiume Tevere.

And down here is the river Tiber.

Caption 19, Anna e Marika - Trattoria Al Biondo Tevere

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When we talk about the stories or floors in a building or house, we can use sotto to indicate a lower floor. Usually, in this context, it's preceded by di (of).


Andiamo giù a vedere che cosa c'è al piano di sotto.

Let's go down to see what's on the lower floor.

Caption 23, In giro per l'Italia - Firenze

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When you want to talk about downstairs, you can also use sotto.


Ah, perché non è di sotto?

Ah, because she's not downstairs?

Caption 4, Sposami - EP 4 - Part 9

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Vai di sotto!

Go downstairs


In front of

Sometimes sotto means "in front of," usually referring to a house, a building, or... one's nose. Lots of people live on the upper floors of apartment buildings, so you have to go down to get to the front of the building.


Appena ha visto i carabinieri sotto casa Sua,

As soon as you saw the carabinieri in front of your house,

se n'è scappato tipo "Fuga di mezzanotte".

you ran away, "Midnight Express" style.

Captions 8-9, Imma Tataranni Sostituto procuratore - S1 EP2 Come piante fra sassi

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Sotto il profilo

Sotto il profilo is used to mean something to the effect of "in terms of" or "as regards." Il profilo is a true cognate and friend of "the profile," but it's used figuratively here.


Rita abbia dedicato la sua vita a fare crescere la sua anima

Rita devoted her life to nurturing her soul,

e non soltanto sotto il profilo della ricerca scientifica, eh.

and not only in terms of her scientific research, uh.

and not only as regards her scientific research, uh.

Captions 41-43, Illuminate - Rita Levi Montalcini

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On hand

Here, the Italian expression uses the preposition sotto, but the English one uses the preposition "on."


Eh... eh, non è questione di non avere nessuno sottomano,

Uh... uh, it's not a question of not having anyone on hand,

è che è molto difficile trovare la donna giusta.

it's that it's very difficult to find the right woman.

Captions 28-29, Il Commissario Manara - S1EP7 - Sogni di Vetro

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Sottomano can also mean "handy," or "close by."

Non ho il numero sottomano ma lo posso cercare nella rubrica.

I don't have the number handy, but I can look it up in my address book.


Sotto as a noun

When you are talking about a 2-piece outfit, such as pyjamas, bikini, or athletic wear, you can refer to the bottoms as il sotto (the bottom part).


We have just scratched the surface of sotto but if you absorb all these meanings (or even one or two), you will be one step closer to becoming fluent.


Why not check out Marika's video about adverbs of place (avverbi di luogo)? Attenzione: Sometimes what are considered adverbs in Italian might be considered prepositions in English.