In Italia abbiamo molte forze dell'ordine, cioè molte specialità.
In Italy we have many law enforcement branches, that is, many specialties.
Caption 1, Nicola Agliastro Le Forze dell'Ordine in Italia
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For more about law enforcement branches in Italy, see: Cops: Carabinieri, Vigili, or Poliziotti?
In the first example, we're on the street and a uniformed police officer arrives on the scene. He is addressed as agente. Agente, non ho potuto evitarla, mi si è buttata sotto.
Officer, I couldn't avoid her. She threw herself underneath me.
Caption 18, Provaci ancora prof! S2E4 L'amica americana - Part 6
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In the unlikely case we know the officer's name, we can add that.
Agente Cuomo, dimmi.
Agent Cuomo, what is it?
Caption 13, I Bastardi di Pizzofalcone S1EP3 Vicini - Part 2
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The police have arrived at the home of a witness or suspect. They are in plain clothes and clearly investigators.
Ispettore, ve lo giuro, io non avrei mai fatto del male a Teresa.
Detective, I swear it, I would never have hurt Teresa.
Caption 22, I Bastardi di Pizzofalcone S1EP3 Vicini - Part 19
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Here, we are at the police station. The person in charge is sitting at a desk, not in uniform. Whatever his actual title, commissario works in addressing him or her.
Signora, risponda alla domanda, era quello il ragazzo? Sì, commissario, era lui.
Ma'am, answer the question, was this the boy? Yes, Inspector, it was him.
Captions 82-84, Provaci ancora prof! S2E5 Vita da cani - Part 17
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Higher up in rank than a commissario is the questore. Usually, he or she has contact with people within the office, not people who come in for questioning or people on the street. He may be addressed with signor or signora before his title. In this example, an inspector or police chief is speaking to his superior.
Signor questore, abbiamo già una pista.
Mister Commissioner, we already have a lead.
Caption 37, I Bastardi di Pizzofalcone S1EP5 Misericordia - Part 4
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I carabinieri are the military police force. If you are driving they can signal you to pull over to check your vehicle or documents. You can tell by the dark color of their vehicles, and by the insignia on their hats that they are different from i vigili (the local [traffic] policemen) or i poliziotti (policemen, state troopers).
Senza offesa, maresciallo, lo sa come vanno certe cose.
No offense officer, you know how some things go.
Caption 25, Chi m'ha visto film - Part 25
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In a nutshell:
Il commissario is in charge of a police station or specific department. To address them: Signor commissario, signora commissario. What about commissaria? It does exist and is "correct," but is not used very often.
Un ispettore is involved in investigations or management. -To address them: Ispettore, ispettore + name
Un agente is a general uniformed officer, but might also not be in uniform. To address them: Agente, agente + name
Un maresciallo is an officer of i carabinieri (the military police). To address them: Maresciallo, maresciallo + name
Note that in Italian, these titles are not capitalized. In English, they are. The polite form should always be used in addressing law enforcement officers. See: Being Polite with Dare del Lei, What's the Story on Voi in the Singular?, Getting Someone’s Attention in Italian: Ascoltare and Sentire
What forms of address shall we look at next? Write to us at