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Wheels of all kinds in Italian

In a recent lesson, we talked about carri (carts). But most carts get around on wheels, so let's make that our next topic. The basic word for "wheel" is ruota, from the Latin "rota." As with other words with "uo," such as uomo (man), cuore (heart), and uovo (egg), Tuscans tend to omit the "u" when speaking, so the words become omo, core, and ovo. 

Ma scusa, tu la ruota di scorta non ce l'hai?

But excuse me, don't you have a spare tire?

Caption 37, La Ladra EP. 2 - Viva le spose - Part 11

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Interestingly, when talking about a spare tire, we use la ruota, the word for "wheel," but when talking about the tire as opposed to the wheel, the informal word is la gomma or, more properly, il pneumatico

Comunque, se non era per una gomma, io vi avrei raggiunti.

Anyway, if it hadn't been for a tire, I would have caught up with you.

Caption 13, Provaci ancora prof! S1E4 - La mia compagna di banco - Part 10

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Quanto volete guadagnare? E per cosa? Per mettere il fotovoltaico in campagna? Eh? Per comprare pneumatici dalle prestazioni più brillanti?

How much do you want to make on it? And for what? To put solar panels in the countryside? Huh? To buy better performing tires?

Captions 37-39, La linea verticale EP 6 - Part 1

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When the wheels are smaller, there are different variants. 


In the lesson aboutt il carro, the word for "wheelchair" was la carrozzella but it is also called una sedia a rotelle

Se io non stavo sulla sedia a rotelle, tu me lo davi lo stesso questo bacio? -No.

If I weren't in a wheelchair, you, would you still have given me that kiss? -No.

Captions 29-30, Sposami EP 2 - Part 20

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In this next example, we are talking about a little shopping cart to pull along. Its wheels are small. 

Puoi scegliere tra un cestino da tenere in mano e uno un po' più grande che è dotato di rotelle.

You can choose between a hand-held basket and one a little larger that's equipped with wheels.

Captions 32-33, Vocaboliamo Supermercato - Part 2

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Another context in which we use rotelle is rollerskating: il pattinaggio a rotelle.



While rotella is already a diminutive of ruota, we can go even smaller: 

Allora, metti la rotellina su due.

Well, put the dial on "two."

Caption 16, La Ladra EP. 3 - L'oro dello squalo - Part 11

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Note that the diminutives mostly derive from the Tuscan or Latin form: rota.


Let's not forget the important verb ruotare! It can mean either "to revolve" or "to rotate."

Tutta Firenze ruota intorno a questa piazza con il Duomo, con la cupola, con il campanile, progettato da Giotto nel Trecento.

All of Florence revolves around this square with the Duomo, with the dome, with the bell tower, designed by Giotto in the fourteenth century.

Captions 31-33, Meraviglie EP. 3 - Part 10

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If you ever have to drive or ride a bike in Italy, you will want to know about traffic circles: le rotatorie. In some regions, they use the word la rotonda. 

Lì svolti di nuovo a destra, fai una rotatoria -mmh. -continui sulla sinistra e troverai un supermarket.

There you turn right again, go around the traffic circle -hmm. -stay on the left, and you will see a supermarket.

Captions 37-39, Milena e Mattia L'incontro

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It might be helpful to think of the English words "rotate" and "rotation" when trying to come up with la ruota and ruotare.


Thanks for reading. If you see additional variants of ruota, let us know and we will add them to this lesson. Write to us at


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