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─ Videos: 4006-4020 of 4023 Totaling 247 hours 51 minutes

Enrica Arcuri - Quanto è bella la vita

Difficulty: difficulty - Beginner Beginner


Enrica Arcuri sang “How Beautiful Life Is” at the 12th annual Videofestival. It's one of the most important of the Canori Festivals and serves to introduce new voices, singers, bands, and up-and-coming singer-songwriters. Video provided by PA 74 Music.

Gabriele Masi - Dedicato a te

Difficulty: difficulty - Beginner Beginner


Gabriele Masi sings “Dedicato a te” [Dedicated To You]. It’s a love song intended to make the woman he loves understand that there will never be another person in the world he loves as much as her. Video provided by PA 74 Music.

Ricette dolci - Le sfere di cioccolato View Series

Difficulty: difficulty - Beginner Beginner


The chef shows us how how to prepare a simple and delicious dessert in just a few steps. The ingredients are: chocolate balls [hollow], custard sauce, whipped cream and berries. And the Chocolate balls are ready to be eaten.

Carpaccio di pesce - Lamelle di capesante

Difficulty: difficulty - Beginner Beginner


A chef demonstrates the preparation of the delicious and rapidly assembled Lamelle di Capesante, a sliced scallop carpaccio.

Manuel Ricco - L'Eredità - Part 1 View Series View This Episode

Difficulty: difficulty - Intermediate Intermediate


Manuel is on the phone, being dunned, and he doesn’t know how repay his debts. Video provided by pa74music.

Trailer - La vita è bella - Roberto Benigni View Series

Difficulty: difficulty - Intermediate Intermediate

Italy Tuscan

Life is Beautiful is the 1997 dramatic comedy, directed by and starring Roberto Benigni. It received three Oscars. The film takes place in a concentration camp in Nazi Germany. Guido (Benigni) in order to protect his son, pretends that the Jewish deportation and the war are just a game, with the final prize: a tank.

Uova in cocotte - con tartufo bianco di Alba

Difficulty: difficulty - Beginner Beginner


Marco Lombardo, the chef of a well-known restaurant in the Langhe (a hilly area in Piedmont), demonstrates how to prepare a typical dish of the area: Eggs en cocotte with white Alba truffles.

Radici nel Cemento - Alla Rovescia View Series

Difficulty: difficulty - Intermediate Intermediate

Italy Roman

The Radici nel Cemento [Roots in Concrete] are an Italian reggae group from Fiumicino (Rome), who appeared on the Italian reggae scene in 1993. Alla rovescia [Upside-down] is the title song of the album released in 2001 and tells of a world that spins backwards. Everything is the opposite of the way it should be in real life.

Trailer - Generazione mille euro View Series

Difficulty: difficulty - Beginner Beginner


Massimo Venier's movie is about one of the troubling subjects of our times: The Thousand Euro Generation. As the title suggests, the new Italian generation earn 1000 euros a month, regardless of their education or profession. The lives of the main characters, Matteo, who has just graduated and is a mathematical genius, and Francesco, a cinema and playstation buff become intertwined with those of Angelica and Beatrice.

Giorno delle acque pulite - Isola di Linosa

Difficulty: difficulty - Adv-Intermediate Adv-Intermediate


Video provided by Youreporter.it Linosa is an island off of Sicily and the setting for an ecological non-profit event "Clean Water Day."

Trailer ufficiale - La Strada View Series

Difficulty: difficulty - Intermediate Intermediate


La Strada (The Road) is a 1954 film directed by Federico Fellini, with Anthony Quinn and Giulietta Masina. The film was partly shot at the famous Saltanò Circus, with actors and extras taken from that circus. Fellini changed the name of Anthony Quinn’s character from Saltanò into Zampanò, maybe for copyright reasons. The picture won an Oscar for best foreign film in 1957. It was the year the foreign prize was instituted and it allowed Fellini to break out from national boundaries.

A Marsala - Ezio Lottieri - Via dell'Inferno - Part 2 View Series View This Episode

Difficulty: difficulty - Beginner Beginner

Italy Sicilian

Ezio recalls that Davide, a well-known artist, asked him to join him in playing a song at a festival. Davide had written the piece and it's called "Road to Hell." Obviously Ezio accepted.

A Marsala - Ezio Lottieri - Via dell'Inferno - Part 1 View Series View This Episode

Difficulty: difficulty - Beginner Beginner

Italy Sicilian

Ezio Lottieri, a lover of music and especially the Rolling Stones, always carries his harmonica with him. In this video he tells about his experience at the Dedalo Festival 2009, where he met the well-known artists Davide Ravera and Patrizia Ferrarini. Ezio performed various songs with these two artists at the Festival in Caltabellotta.

Corso di Yoga - Padahastasana View Series

Difficulty: difficulty - Beginner Beginner


A yoga class to follow from the comfort of home. Practiced correctly, yoga alleviates muscle pain and is useful in relaxing the entire body.

Tutela ambientale - Paola Savinelli

Difficulty: difficulty - Adv-Intermediate Adv-Intermediate


Paola Savinelli tells the viewer about her candidacy for the project of the La civica (The Civic) party, a party whose central mission is the safeguarding of the environment.

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