Difficulty: Intermediate
The wedding is beginning, and the bride is ecstatic, but what about the singer everyone is counting on?
Difficulty: Intermediate
We get a look at the tomb, in terracotta, of a noblewoman. The clay allows for detail, where tombs in Macco do not. We then go to Rome, to the most important Etruscan museum, where we see once again, what an important role the afterlife played in the lives (and deaths) of the Etruscans.
Difficulty: Intermediate
The next step is to go to the cemetery. Anna is being her bossy self, and Orazio is trying to resist.
Difficulty: Adv-Intermediate
Actor Giulio Brogi talks about how his role in The Subversives mirrored his character at the time. The Taviani brothers describe how they found another actor in that film, young Lucio Dalla, the famous (and now deceased) singer-songwriter.
Difficulty: Beginner
What do we call the people we are writing to if they are professionals? Daniela gives us some answers. And she gives us some practical examples about how to actually begin writing the body of the letter.
Difficulty: Intermediate
Eleonora introduces us to her two horses. She tells the story of how they came to be part of her life.
Difficulty: Beginner
Holiday wishes from the Yabla Italian team.
Difficulty: Intermediate
After telling Gina why she was so upset, Eva remembers what they had on their schedule for the morning. A trip to a casa famiglia, a group home for disadvantaged or disabled people, often kids with no family support.
Difficulty: Intermediate
As usual, Camilla is running late for school, and the family quickly discusses the day's logistics. At school, Camilla wants to start right in on an oral quiz but gets no volunteers.
Difficulty: Intermediate
Ugo and Nora can breathe easy regarding this wedding. And Ugo sends a strong signal to Nora about how he feels about her. But at a certain point, he has to explain how he found the singer!
Difficulty: Intermediate
The Etruscans were influenced by other ethnic groups, particularly the Greeks. On display in the National Etruscan Museum of Villa Giulia, we find evidence of this in the terracotta objects and fine gold jewelry and precious objects dating from the period.
Difficulty: Adv-Intermediate
In nineteen sixty-nine they made a different kind of film, Under the Sign of Scorpio, and needed a special place to film it in. The whole cast, together with the directors, felt a particular sense of community both during and after the filming.
Difficulty: Intermediate
The guardians are pretty engrossed in their card game, but they hear voices and call headquarters. Orazio is rather scared.
Difficulty: Intermediate
Horses are large animals, but they are delicate, too. Keeping them healthy and in good condition requires a series of essential measures of different kinds. Eleonora takes us through some of them.
Difficulty: Intermediate
Eva has no choice but to meet up with Max. Her state of mind as she cycles through the narrow streets to the meeting might be described in Italian with the Italian adverb malincuore (with a heavy heart). Luckily she is not alone to face this challenge.
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