Difficulty: Adv-Intermediate
Mimmo begins telling about his honeymoon, which was very short and simple and included his friends Riccardo and Rosi. A flashback takes us to the Modugno living room in Rome, where they all watch a little black and white TV where the famous presenter Mike Bongiorno is hosting a game show. Conversation turns to work and they talk about the future.
Difficulty: Adv-Intermediate
Imma chases down her mother who is very mixed up about where she lives. She goes to the morgue to talk to the coroner about the new body part that was found.
Difficulty: Intermediate
Dafne takes her lunch break with her new co-worker Camilla and learns a little more about her. At the hairdresser, Dafne gets a phone call from Viola.
Difficulty: Adv-Intermediate
Mimmo is describing the moment in which he and Franca take their relationship to another level and when he also finds the rhyme he'd been looking for in the song he'd been writing. Later, during the recording session of Vecchio frac, he finds out the censors have been at work and want him to change the lyrics.
Difficulty: Adv-Intermediate
Imma is finally home, ready to have something to eat and discusses this on the phone with her husband. But then he urges her to turn on the local news station, quick.
Difficulty: Intermediate
Dafne and her father are starting to settle in at home. He did some grocery shopping and is fixing dinner. She told him about her day at work.
Difficulty: Adv-Intermediate
Domenico hears some tragic news on the radio and it inspires him to express his grief in a song: Vecchio frac (old tuxedo), which later became a hit. He shares his mourning and memories with Franca.
Difficulty: Adv-Intermediate
Imma and Calogiuri go to see a woman who had her finger cut off. Calogiuri offers to take Imma back to Metaponto.
Difficulty: Intermediate
Dafne goes back to work, is greeted by her co-workers, and strikes up a conversation with someone new.
Difficulty: Adv-Intermediate
This visit to Gramitto is a bit different from the others. Mimmo has a big surprise for Franca.
Difficulty: Adv-Intermediate
Imma and Calogiuri go to the water park where they talk to the coroner. Calogiuri proves to be pretty smart and earns some praise from Imma.
Difficulty: Intermediate
Dafne and her father begin their work day.
Difficulty: Adv-Intermediate
Mimmo is very happy to be back in Italy, and with Franca. His next task is to audition for Gramitto in Milan.
Difficulty: Intermediate
Camilla and Renzo celebrate the fact of being a couple, playing one of their typical word games. And that's the end of this episode.
Difficulty: Adv-Intermediate
Calogiuri goes to talk to Imma at the beach. His presence doesn't go unnoticed to the young girls. Imma goes to see the new chief prosecutor.
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