Difficulty: Intermediate
Camilla isn't capable of saying no, even when she says no. But she's taking a huge risk for her student, Sammy.
Difficulty: Adv-Intermediate
A romantic moment gets rudely interrupted by another murder. But do Luca and Lara have the same idea about living together?
Difficulty: Adv-Intermediate
Even though the case has been solved, Luca gets yelled at by Casadio. To understand their parting words, there's an idiomatic expression to learn. Chi va con lo zoppo impara a zoppicare (He who goes around with a lame person learns to limp). A similar expression in English is "bad company brings bad habits."
Difficulty: Intermediate
Our schoolteacher is having trouble on all fronts: with the police, with Sammy's father, with her husband, and with the principal. Sammy is sorry, but that doesn't fix things.
Difficulty: Intermediate
In this last segment we find out what happened to Aldo and his wife. We don't know if everyone will live happily ever after, but for now, it's all good.
Difficulty: Adv-Intermediate
The truth surfaces, and we see a flashback of the fatal event. It's a painful moment for everyone involved.
Difficulty: Intermediate
Paolo, with the help of Natoli, of course, is able to save the situation, and the workers are truly grateful. He pays a visit to the cemetery to talk to his brother Aldo.
Difficulty: Adv-Intermediate
The race ends, and Manara discovers what he came to find out. He also discovers that Lara is a very capable cop.
Difficulty: Intermediate
We suspected that something would happen as a result of Camilla's taking her husband's car, and sure enough... Meanwhile, her husband and daughter are getting ready to leave for the soccer game.
Difficulty: Adv-Intermediate
As expected Manara's boss doesn't give him permission to infiltrate the race. Do you think that will stop him?
Difficulty: Intermediate
Paolo and Natoli have some unforeseen difficulties getting to the factory, and when they finally do arrive, nothing is as it should be.
Difficulty: Adv-Intermediate
Luca questions Lupo, and figures out how to find out for sure who murdered Gabriele, but as usual, he's immune to warnings about how dangerous it will be.
Difficulty: Intermediate
Our teacher is a good sleuth, but cooking is not her strong point, and her Indian sesame breadsticks don't make a huge hit at home, either.
Difficulty: Adv-Intermediate
There's some girl talk between Lara and Sardi, Luca is not a great dinner guest, and Buttafuoco and Barbagallo make an interesting discovery.
Difficulty: Intermediate
Paolo has to gather all his wits to figure out what's happening in the company. He confronts Salmastri, but Salmastri is truly slippery, and not to be underestimated.
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