Difficulty: Adv-Intermediate
Imma talks to Stacchio again and finds a few more pieces to the puzzle. She also talks to the coroner to learn some details about Stella's death. She also has new information about a certain phone call.
Difficulty: Intermediate
Lojacono is confident he knows how the murder happened and is able to trick Renato into saying something he couldn't have heard on the news.
Difficulty: Intermediate
One reason mozzarella di bufala (buffalo mozzarella) is so delicious is because the animals are treated with utmost respect. They are milked when they are physiologically ready!
Difficulty: Intermediate
Alessandro Piperno comes from a mixed Jewish family and recounts how he learned, at an early age, to cherish the relationship between Jerusalem and Rome, where Christianity and Judaism blend. Thus we come to the end of this episode about the region of Lazio.
Difficulty: Advanced
Pier Paolo Pasolini discusses the effects Fascism had on Italy. He talks about the city of Sabaudia, built by the fascist government on the reclaimed marshland of the ancient Pontine Marshes (Agro Pontino) and how later, what took hold was the culture of consumerism.
Difficulty: Advanced
At the spot where the accident had occurred, the friends wonder how it could have happened since Michele was such a good, careful driver.
Difficulty: Intermediate
Berardi and his men go after Marino Monti who is at the martial arts center. It was very upsetting for Camilla to see it all so close up. She has a drink with Gaetano to calm down.
Difficulty: Adv-Intermediate
Imma goes to the land registry office in Ginosa to find out more about Palazzo De Nardis. She manages to obtain some information from the person in charge and goes to see Signora D'Avena.
Difficulty: Intermediate
Lojacono and Di Nardo go to see Biagio's ex-girlfriend to ask her one more question. She happens to remember something that gives them a new lead. They then go and talk to Renato, Biagio's friend and colleague.
Difficulty: Intermediate
Donato Brenca has been making cheese for about 20 years, and although he strives to make better and better cheese, he sticks to the same method he has always employed.
Difficulty: Beginner
After you have filled your shopping cart, it's time to go to the checkout counter. Marika describes the different registers and the various ways to pay.
Difficulty: Intermediate
Annalena continues her conversation with Piperno in his favorite restaurant. They look at some photos from his past while they wait for their meal to be served.
Difficulty: Advanced
Pasolini talks about the gates to the city of Orte. They may be simple, and built by unnamed men, but that doesn't mean they don't have value to protect. He moves on to talk about Sabaudia, a city built by the fascist regime, on reclaimed marshland, roughly halfway between Rome and Naples.
Difficulty: Advanced
Despite the late hour, Vincenzo suggests going to see their friend Michele before they all go off to different destinations.
Difficulty: Intermediate
Having read about Mattioli's death, Camilla rushes to Berardi's office, where he is checking some documents with Torre. She participates and comes across an interesting piece of information.
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