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Carrying Meanings: How Portare Gave Us Portata and Portato

In this lesson, we're going to talk about an adjective and a noun stemming from the common verb portarePortare comes from the Latin "portāre," meaning "to carry" or "to bear" (as does the Italian verb portare). It originally referred (and still does refer) to physically carrying or bearing objects or people. One of the 2 words came up in a Yabla video, so it seemed like a good opportunity to shine a light. 



Portato as an adjective

Logically, the past participle portato is used in the past tense to mean "carried" or "brought." For example:

Infatti ho portato i soldi.

In fact, I brought the money.

Caption 66, Provaci ancora prof! S2E6 La strana ossessione - Part 20

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Portare takes avere as an auxiliary, a cue telling us portato is a past participle, not an adjective. It's not unusual for past participle forms of verbs to become adjectives or nouns. They are usually related in basic meaning. But in the case of portato, the meaning strayed a bit from the original one. It took on a more figurative sense. "Carrying something" was extended to mean "having an inherent tendency or suitability for something," as if the trait were "carried" within a person. Portato began to describe someone with a natural inclination toward a specific activity or field. We can imagine someone "carrying" a predisposition or "bearing" a natural gift, to go back to the meaning of portare.


In a previous lesson, we talked about being talented or not, using dotato or negato. Portato fits in as a synonym for dotato (gifted) with a slightly different vibe. Dotato might be thought of in terms of being a gift from God or some higher power, and portato, in terms of coming from within, an innate predisposition. But they are often used interchangeably.


In the following example from an Italian TV series about the Milan music conservatory, a violin student has been yelling over some drum riffs in order to hide the sound of his letting off steam. His friend compliments him on his yelling.

E bravo, sei portato.

And well done, you're a natural.

Caption 52, La compagnia del cigno EP 2 - Part 8

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If I say: Sei portato per la musica, I am saying, "You are gifted." "You're a natural." We might use it to describe someone good at learning languages, good at fixing cars, good at cooking, etc.


Invece ha detto che nostra figlia è molto portata per la danza.

But she said our daughter is very gifted in dance.

Caption 25, Provaci ancora prof! S2EP1 - La finestra sulla scuola - Part 9

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Per cosa si sente portata?

What do you feel you're good at?

What's your strong suit?

Caption 28, Adriano Olivetti La forza di un sogno Ep. 1 - Part 11

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Let's remember that, as adjectives, portato, portata, portati and portate have to agree in gender and number with the noun they modify.


La portata as a noun: 

The feminine past participle of portare evolved into the noun portata, whose core meaning relates to "that which is carried" or "the act of carrying." You might be familiar with the noun una portata in the context of courses of a meal, brought or carried to the table.  


La portata evolved into meaning "the extent" or "the range," referring to the span or scope something can reach, carry, or bear, such as physical reach or figurative impact.

Sono pienamente d'accordo sulla portata metaforica del Suo discorso,

I am in full agreement about the metaphorical impact/magnitude of what you are saying,

Caption 14, Volare - La grande storia di Domenico Modugno Ep. 1 - Part 23

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Finally, we have the expression a portata di mano (literally, "within reach of one's hand"). We can shorten it to "within reach."

In inverno consiglio sempre di tenere a portata di mano un ombrello.

In winter I always recommend keeping an umbrella handy.

Caption 22, Adriano Le stagioni dell'anno

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As we see, it can mean "handy," but it can also mean "at hand," or "close at hand" in a figurative sense.

Sarebbe atroce morire proprio ora che la salvezza è a portata di mano.

It would be awful to die right now when salvation is at hand/within reach.

Captions 57-58, Vivere Un'avventura di Vittorio De Sica - Part 1

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We hope you will now know what people mean when they say someone is portato or portata, and if they ask you Hai carta e penna a portata di mano? you will know they're asking if you have paper and pen handy to write something down.


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