Difficulty: Intermediate
Because of her concerns about Dante, Eva ends up being a bit hard on her son.
Difficulty: Beginner
Anna is quizzed on Sardinia and can easily identify the capital and its major cities, its nuraghes (characteristic low towers), its cantu a tenore (traditional singing), but comes up short on providing the name of a typical Sardinian dish.
Difficulty: Intermediate
Adriano visits a Palermo antique dealer, Massimo Sgroi, who also exhibits the work of contemporary artists. Sgroi invites Yabla friends to submit work.
Difficulty: Beginner
Nineteen-year-old Martina tells us about herself. Her dreams have changed over the years, and she now has some concrete, long-term, and clearcut goals.
Difficulty: Adv-Intermediate
Officers Barbagallo and Buttafuoco get some good evidence, but Manara doesn't quite appreciate their guessing-game humor. He goes to question the new suspect.
Difficulty: Adv-Intermediate
This segment opens with a sort of poem, demonstrating how kids growing up in fascist Italy were expected to behave. Minority groups had a pretty hard time, too.
Difficulty: Intermediate
After all that planning, it's time to act. The girls are incredulous at Eva's professional know-how.
Difficulty: Beginner
Italy Neapolitan
Daniela continues her lesson on necessity or need, providing examples with an impersonal subject. In English the impersonal can be expressed with "one" in the third person: "one needs," or by using the passive voice:"Something needs to be done." And in informal speech, we might use "you" or "we.": "you need to..."
Difficulty: Beginner
Laura joins Carlo in questioning the contestants about animal traits in this elimination round.
Difficulty: Adv-Intermediate
Little by little some of the suspects are being eliminated, but the situation is far from clear.
Difficulty: Intermediate
Marika and Anna assemble the ingredients and utensils to make this Sardinian speciality that's similar to ravioli.
Difficulty: Intermediate
The segment concentrates on the environs of Matera, its rugged beauty, and the sacred art and architecture that makes use of natural grottoes.
Difficulty: Intermediate
The four friends are finally on the inside with all the beautiful dresses, and they get a bit distracted. A noise brings them back from their reveries.
Difficulty: Intermediate
In this phase, Marika and Anna roll up their sleeves and get their hands dirty. They start making the dough by hand, and are very excited about using their new pasta machine.
Difficulty: Adv-Intermediate
With Lara gone, Luca seems to want to make up for lost time, and flirts unabashedly with all the women he comes into contact with. Fortunately, he also gets down to work, and has a man to man talk with one of the suspects.
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