Difficulty: Intermediate
Alba shows up in the director's hotel room and the girls wait to see whether or not their plan has worked.
Difficulty: Intermediate
Camilla has trouble getting up the next morning, but Livietta and Renzo give her a hand and then leave for school. Camilla ruminates on Karin's kidnapping, has an idea, and decides to call Gaetano.
Difficulty: Intermediate
Eva is stuck in the hotel room with her prey, but after a quick S.O.S. via text to the girls next door, Lola leaps into action.
Difficulty: Intermediate
Christian tries to open his sister's computer, but can't figure out the password. Camilla takes home a book Karin was reading. Renzo comes home from his evening out...
Difficulty: Intermediate
Gina is not very happy about the role she has to play in the hotel caper. Eva gets a few surprises: one by mail and one in person.
Difficulty: Intermediate
Karin has disappeared again. Her brother asks Camilla to stop by to talk to his mother.
Difficulty: Intermediate
Eva crosses the street to confront Dante. Later, Eva and Gina put on disguises, complete with fake IDs, to carry out their plan.
Difficulty: Intermediate
At school, Camilla gets a visit from someone to talk about Debby. Camilla handles the situation with her usual truthfulness tempered with diplomacy.
Difficulty: Intermediate
Lorenzo explains what had happened the night before. Eva goes to visit Augusto and sees an old picture postcard sent to him from her ex-husband. Then she sees Dante with another woman. What a day.
Difficulty: Intermediate
Renzo wants Camilla to go to a book presentation with him, but she is not so sure. She totally forgets her appointment with the neighbor boy, but he doesn't. She helps him with his Latin, but tries to draw him out, too.
Difficulty: Intermediate
Eva is cooking up a storm, but it's also time to help Alba. Lorenzo has a bad night.
Difficulty: Intermediate
Camilla goes to the police station to report the theft of her handbag. Livietta confesses to why her retainer is hurting her.
Difficulty: Intermediate
Dante and Eva are still not talking to each other. Lorenzo and Dante are talking, but not really listening to each other. Andreina and Eva witness something interesting at the pharmacy.
Difficulty: Adv-Intermediate
We've come to the end of this romantic story. You can see for yourself what becomes of Guia and Renzo. And let us know what you thought of it!
Difficulty: Intermediate
Nora and Ugo succeeded in planning a perfect wedding for Francesco and Matisse. They seem to be a great team even when they work separately.
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