Marika and Anna enact an Italian classroom situation, where la maestra (the teacher or schoolmistress) calls on Anna to tell her about the different regions of Italy. In subsequent videos, they show us how to cook some of the traditional recipes from these regions. Cook and learn!
Tuscans love their bread — crusty and thick, and totally unsalted. It goes well with salty cheese, and salt-cured meats. When it gets stale, it doesn't get wasted; it gets used in cooking. Tuscans also love tomatoes, so this dish is quite the Tuscan comfort food, suitable for all age groups, and very cheap to make.
Here we go with the actual preparation of this very simple, but very delicious dish. Tomatoes, olive oil, and bread are rarely missing from a Tuscan household and pappa al pomodoro is just one way these ingredients go together. Anna gives us some interesting nutritional information about tomatoes and there's also a little musical performance by our chefs. Message from Marika: If you use a bouillon cube in the recipe, watch the salt!
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