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Marika talks about going to the movies in Italy. Don't worry. Italians like popcorn, too.
In 2017,the region of Tuscany promoted an architectural project, collaborating to build a network of 14 wine cellars that unite a passion for design, respect for the natural environment, and the...
Who doesn't love ice cream? Andromeda gives us her take on the history of gelato (ice cream), from Mount Etna in Sicily to Paris.
It's important to know how to talk about what you like and what you don't like. Daniela explains how in this lesson, and if you remember that when you like something, it pleases you, you'll get it!
Here's the story of the Italian version of "killing two birds with one stone."
Adriano and his mother show us how to make this Sicilian summer specialty. It's easy to make, but there is one important secret.