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Marika spiega
217 Videos

Marika explains a great many things connected with the Italian language and culture. Geared towards beginners, the videos include Italian lessons, simple recipes, conversation, and lots more.

Le bollette
Pages: 1 of 1 
─ Videos: 1-3 of 3 Totaling 0 hours 11 minutes

Marika spiega - Le bollette - Part 1

Difficulty: difficulty - Beginner Beginner


When you rent out a house to someone or rent a house from someone, it's important to know who's who. Marika explains how it works.

Marika spiega - Le bollette - Part 2

Difficulty: difficulty - Beginner Beginner


No one likes paying bills, ma vanno pagate (but they have to be paid). Marika goes over some of the most common utilities and special taxes you have to pay if you live in Italy.

Marika spiega - Le bollette - Part 3

Difficulty: difficulty - Beginner Beginner


If you don't check your meters and tell the electric and gas companies how much you have consumed, they make an estimate. Sometimes this means you get a nasty surprise at the end of the year, when they work things out, and figure out how much you owe in order to square accounts. This is called il conguaglio.

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