Difficulty: Beginner
In some cases using an elision is not grammatically correct. Marika explains some of these cases.
Difficulty: Beginner
The youngest piglet was right all along. Being a kind soul, he forgave his brothers.
Difficulty: Adv-Intermediate
Luca, as usual, has a run-in with his boss about the case, and then has a run-in with the bank director whose answers are anything but helpful.
Difficulty: Intermediate
Our guides bring us to the very old and picturesque Rabatana quarter of Tursi, and to Craco, where the ghost of Isabella Morra, a 16th century poet, is said to roam about the ruins.
Difficulty: Intermediate
Jacopo has quite a challenge at work today, and he tries to remind himself of the first rule for being a good couples' therapist.
Difficulty: Beginner
Michela shows us how to conjugate verbs in the imperfetto (imperfect past tense). She covers -are verbs and -ere verbs. It's easy once you get the idea.
Difficulty: Beginner
Niccolò Fabi's road song, Lontano da me ["Far from Myself"] came out in 2012.
Difficulty: Adv-Intermediate
Some left-handed patients have been found, and the questioning begins.
*To understand captions 40 and 41 more fully, see this vocabulary insight.
Difficulty: Adv-Intermediate
Italy Neapolitan
Everyone is in shock, and Enzo feels responsible.
Difficulty: Intermediate
Marika's first of three lessons on truncation, where she compares elision to truncation. There are many useful examples, such as: mar, san, buon, ben, and signor.
Difficulty: Beginner
Beauty and the Beast is a French 18th century fairy tale. It was written by Gabrielle-Suzanne Barbot de Villeneuve. Her tale, which is as long as a novel, has been adapted numerous times. This nice retelling of the tale is more dependent on the Walt Disney Company.
Difficulty: Adv-Intermediate
A left-handed suspect turns up, and has a bad temper to boot. Luca offers Lara a ride home on his motorcycle...
Difficulty: Intermediate
The tour of Basilicata closes with verses of Isabella Morra and British travel writer, Norman Douglas. Set against the backdrop of the beautiful Ionian coastline, the young traveler gives some tips on mastering the Lucan dialect.
Difficulty: Intermediate
The morning has only just begun, but the day is already a huge challenge for both Sara and Jacopo, in different ways.
Difficulty: Beginner
In the last part of this miniseries, Michela works on verbs ending in ire with her class. She also spends time on the all-important irregular verb essere (to be).
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