Difficulty: Adv-Intermediate
Calenzano felt the need to tell Imma and Calogiuri some details about his childhood in Switzerland so that they would be able to understand what had happened between him and Stella.
Difficulty: Advanced
The Testarossa (literally "red head") is considered to be a supercar par excellence. For a brief period, it was the fastest production model in the world.
Difficulty: Intermediate
A colleague of Marioni's chides him for having treated Matteo as he did. He tries to justify his actions, and then goes to have a word with Rosario, a percussion student.
Difficulty: Adv-Intermediate
Over time, Diabolik gained new status. It became cool. Nowadays, whether you read comic books or not, you know who Diabolik is.
Difficulty: Beginner
Marika divides the types of pasta into different categories and explains their characteristics, ranging from ingredients to shelf life, to cooking time, and consistency.
Difficulty: Advanced
Marta and Andrea find themselves alone in his room, now empty, and they remember the time when they had been together. He tells her of his plans.
Difficulty: Beginner
During a walk in the country, Federico explains what summer is to his little brother Piggeldy.
Difficulty: Adv-Intermediate
With Francesco Calenzano, whose nickname is Franco, Imma reminisces, in a friendly way, about the summers when they were younger and about the music they would listen to, notably, E ti vengo a cercare (I'll come looking for you).
Difficulty: Adv-Intermediate
Here are two cars symbolizing the dream of many Italians: The Ferrari Testarossa and the Autobianchi Bianchina. Let's discover their stories.
Difficulty: Intermediate
Marioni puts Matteo to the test, asking him to play first violin in the Brahms symphony, together with the entire orchestra. Later, Domenico tells him about someone who had crumbled under Marioni's harsh treatment.
Difficulty: Adv-Intermediate
Some of the stories in Diabolik come from the outside, notably from readers. A few of them are recounted here. They often related to controversial topics in the news and in some cases, charges were pressed and copies of the comic book were seized and destroyed.
Difficulty: Beginner
Who doesn't love pasta? Marika talks about this extremely popular Italian food: the history, where it's produced, and how to cook it.
Difficulty: Advanced
Andrea has a surprise for his housemates. Later, they party with a bunch of friends.
Difficulty: Adv-Intermediate
Imma clears up some more questions with Eufemia Abate about the person Stella was smiling at in the photograph.She has that person summoned for some questioning.
Difficulty: Intermediate
Matteo is having a violin lesson when Marioni passes by in the hall and hears him. Matteo's lesson ends early and he is about to learn more about the orchestra conductor everyone thinks of as il bastardo (the bastard).
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