Based on the bestselling mystery novels by Maurizio de Giovanni, this RAI TV series recounts the story of a police station located on a hilltop district in Naples called Pizzofalcone, named for the falconry practiced there at one time. The police station had been involved in some very corrupt drug trafficking, and now the protagonist, Giuseppe Lojacono has been transferred there as a kind of punishment. He and his co-workers (all with troubled pasts) have the task of setting things right at the station before it closes down.
Difficulty: Intermediate
In a church basement, a priest leads some young people in singing to celebrate the eighty-first birthday of Mariolina. Caterina goes to find Angela, who is late with the cake.
Difficulty: Intermediate
Lojacono is on a video call with Marina, his daughter, and her friend Chanel, when he gets a phone call from headquarters and goes to a new crime scene, to see what's what.
Difficulty: Intermediate
Lojacono and DA Piras arrive at the scene of the crime and meet Don Michele. The next morning Lojacono goes with Di Nardo to talk to the kids who had been in the parish hall with the victim.
Difficulty: Intermediate
The young volunteers talk about how they met and what they were doing the night of the murder. Aragona and Romano come back to headquarters with a photo they found at the victim's home.
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