Difficulty: Adv-Intermediate
It may not come as a surprise that Toscani, after hours of ruining his eyes looking at the footage, does indeed find something strange. Unwittingly, and indirectly, he also saves the life of the Cine Service owner.
Difficulty: Advanced
Gualtiero Marchesi has been described as growing up in a pot. While training under the eye of his mother, he began to specialize in tavola calda e fredda (hot and cold food service) which, usually connected with a bar, offers quality ready-to-eat dishes. La Cucina Italiana (Italian Cooking) is a periodical that's been on newsstands since 1929. Paola Ricas, who was an editor there, shares a special moment in its history.
Difficulty: Advanced
Although Marchesi earned his first Michelin star quite early in the game, he never lost his enthusiasm for creating new dishes, for experimenting.
Difficulty: Adv-Intermediate
At police headquarters, a suspect gets questioned, but Manara isn't totally convinced. When conversation between Luca and Lara starts getting personal, Toscani walks in...
Difficulty: Advanced
Our chef tells how his passion for cooking was born, and what books he used as examples.
Difficulty: Adv-Intermediate
There are irregularities in this case, and as both Manara and Rubino know, that's where you look!
Difficulty: Advanced
Gualtiero Marchesi talks about the hotel/restaurant his parents opened in Milan. He describes what it was like back in the Fifties.
Difficulty: Advanced
Marchesi completely upsets the traditional concepts of cooking, and many think he's just too weird in his combinations and cooking times.
Difficulty: Adv-Intermediate
Luca and Lara go to question the tanner. He's not as forthcoming as they would have liked, but Luca, true to his nature, breaks the rules once again.
Difficulty: Advanced
We open a new chapter in L’arte della cucina (the Art of Cooking). Here the focus is on Milan, and the fruit and vegetable market where it all starts.
Difficulty: Adv-Intermediate
Zia Caterina might have found herself a gardener/handyman, and Luca and Lara locate the reels of film left by the film maker.
Difficulty: Advanced
Gualtiero put some very fancy lamps in his new restaurant, but it stayed almost empty for a good while. He didn't give up, nor did he stoop to using the techniques a New York restaurant used when it opened.
Difficulty: Adv-Intermediate
The police find the missing jeep and filmmaker, but what initially looks like an accident has some strange aspects about it.
Difficulty: Advanced
Fashion designer Chiara Boni talks about Milan in the seventies. Gualtiero Marchesi talks about combining tradition with innovation in both his art and his kitchen. Gastronomer Eugenio Medagliani talks about how at the beginning, people understood very little about this "nouvelle cuisine."
Difficulty: Adv-Intermediate
Manara isn't happy about his boss's decision, but there's no time to sit and complain. If he can't take time off, no one can (and that includes Lara who's on a boat with Massimo)!
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