Difficulty: Adv-Intermediate
It may not come as a surprise that Toscani, after hours of ruining his eyes looking at the footage, does indeed find something strange. Unwittingly, and indirectly, he also saves the life of the Cine Service owner.
Difficulty: Advanced
Gualtiero Marchesi has been described as growing up in a pot. While training under the eye of his mother, he began to specialize in tavola calda e fredda (hot and cold food service) which, usually connected with a bar, offers quality ready-to-eat dishes. La Cucina Italiana (Italian Cooking) is a periodical that's been on newsstands since 1929. Paola Ricas, who was an editor there, shares a special moment in its history.
Difficulty: Newbie
Marika introduces us to an area where Italian and English have some important differences: reflexive and reciprocal verbs. For extra help, see: Reflections on the Reflexive and Ci Gets Around: Part 1
Difficulty: Advanced
Although Marchesi earned his first Michelin star quite early in the game, he never lost his enthusiasm for creating new dishes, for experimenting.
Difficulty: Intermediate
This was Gianna Nannini's first hit song in 1979. The popular song with its provocative lyrics is aimed at an adult audience.
Difficulty: Adv-Intermediate
At police headquarters, a suspect gets questioned, but Manara isn't totally convinced. When conversation between Luca and Lara starts getting personal, Toscani walks in...
Difficulty: Advanced
Our chef tells how his passion for cooking was born, and what books he used as examples.
Difficulty: Intermediate
Marika shares her impressions and her bubbling enthusiasm for the Expo 2015 held in Milan until the October thirty-first of this year. We hope you get the chance to go!
Difficulty: Intermediate
"Rosso Relativo" ("Relative Red") is one of Tiziano Ferro's greatest hits, and is the title song from his 2002 album. He uses an interesting series of verbs in the imperfetto, a tense that doesn't always match up with one tense in English. It's all relative!
Difficulty: Beginner
Italy Neapolitan
Daniela continues to address the very sticky subject of possessive adjectives, and explains some very important rules. Little by little, you'll get it.
Difficulty: Newbie
Marika explains how to form adjectives from nouns, by using various suffixes.
Difficulty: Intermediate
An actual police officer tells us what it means to him to be one. He talks about the daily problems policemen have to deal with, not just the ones we see on TV.
Difficulty: Adv-Intermediate
There are irregularities in this case, and as both Manara and Rubino know, that's where you look!
Difficulty: Advanced
Gualtiero Marchesi talks about the hotel/restaurant his parents opened in Milan. He describes what it was like back in the Fifties.
Difficulty: Intermediate
2015 is an exciting year for Italy, because this year's Expo is in Milan. Marika was lucky enough to go, and she's eager to share her experience with you. But first she gives you a little background on how the Expo got started as a phenomenon.
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