Difficulty: Intermediate
Christian asks Camilla for help, once again. Renzo comes home from his dinner in a good mood, and Camilla is a bit suspicious.
Difficulty: Intermediate
The girls "take care" of the suffering man, and get him to sign a paper. Back at the restaurant, Dante has been lovingly creative in the kitchen.
Difficulty: Intermediate
Camilla is trying to make dinner, but is distracted by Livietta's newsy chatter. They get a visit from some close friends who need Camilla's help, but who also take Livietta off her hands for the evening. Renzo is out for the evening again!
Difficulty: Intermediate
Alba shows up in the director's hotel room and the girls wait to see whether or not their plan has worked.
Difficulty: Intermediate
The school principal sees Camilla get into a squad car and thinks the worst. Camilla does not have a pleasant task to perform at the police station.
Difficulty: Intermediate
Doctor Zanin begins to be appreciated at work. Maria has a lot of studying to do but is a bit distracted. Then she gets a big surprise right in front of her house.
Difficulty: Intermediate
Eva is stuck in the hotel room with her prey, but after a quick S.O.S. via text to the girls next door, Lola leaps into action.
Difficulty: Intermediate
Camilla has trouble getting up the next morning, but Livietta and Renzo give her a hand and then leave for school. Camilla ruminates on Karin's kidnapping, has an idea, and decides to call Gaetano.
Difficulty: Intermediate
Gina is not very happy about the role she has to play in the hotel caper. Eva gets a few surprises: one by mail and one in person.
Difficulty: Intermediate
Christian tries to open his sister's computer, but can't figure out the password. Camilla takes home a book Karin was reading. Renzo comes home from his evening out...
Difficulty: Intermediate
Eva crosses the street to confront Dante. Later, Eva and Gina put on disguises, complete with fake IDs, to carry out their plan.
Difficulty: Intermediate
Karin has disappeared again. Her brother asks Camilla to stop by to talk to his mother.
Difficulty: Intermediate
Lorenzo explains what had happened the night before. Eva goes to visit Augusto and sees an old picture postcard sent to him from her ex-husband. Then she sees Dante with another woman. What a day.
Difficulty: Intermediate
At school, Camilla gets a visit from someone to talk about Debby. Camilla handles the situation with her usual truthfulness tempered with diplomacy.
Difficulty: Intermediate
Eva is cooking up a storm, but it's also time to help Alba. Lorenzo has a bad night.
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