Difficulty: Intermediate
The postman brings a registered letter for Dino, but his mother signs for it. Nora goes to the indoor skating rink to gather the things no longer needed, since the wedding got canceled. There is a woman giving a private lesson on the ice.
Difficulty: Intermediate
Don Agostino is questioned by the police about Orazio and his alleged satan-worshipping activity. Anna and Orazio have a heated argument.
Difficulty: Intermediate
Lorenzo takes Groucho to see Dante on the boat and they talk about this and that. Eva is busy at the restaurant preparing the dishes for the party when the girls show up.
Difficulty: Intermediate
Nora tells Ugo why the wedding won't be happening after all. At the bridal atelier, the same subject comes up, but focuses on the wedding gown and Dino, who designed it.
Difficulty: Intermediate
Orazio gets an unexpected visit at the office. The police pay a visit to Orazio's priest friend, Don Agostino.
Difficulty: Intermediate
Lorenzo is working hard at winning Malù's heart back again. He has a talk with his Mom about Dante. Eva gets an anonymous package, hoping it's from Dante.
Difficulty: Intermediate
Melody and Dino get along very nicely, but Dino clearly has feelings for her and wonders about how she feels. Nora is at the skating rink with Cecilia to discuss wedding plans. Ugo is on the phone with Dida.
Difficulty: Intermediate
Orazio goes to see his priest friend, Don Agostino, to talk about his problems, but it doesn't seem like Don Agostino is really tuned in to the problem at hand.
Difficulty: Intermediate
The girls discuss the plan. By now, they know what their options are. Groucho shows up, and Eva takes some decisive action.
Difficulty: Intermediate
Nora and Ugo discuss Cecilia's having given up a chance of a lifetime. Meanwhile, Ugo is making great progress as a skater, and his teacher is proud of him. They get around to talking about love and relationships.
Difficulty: Intermediate
Orazio is back at the office with some clients, and gets interrupted. His patience is growing thin with both his clients and his wife.
Difficulty: Intermediate
Eva meets up with Max to discuss the plan. Later she meets with the girls with hopes of involving them. And finally, Eva goes to see Augusto.
Difficulty: Intermediate
Nora discovers that Ugo is taking skating lessons on his own. She meets up with Cecilia to choose some wedding accessories, but clearly, Cecilia is distracted and finally confides in Nora about her feelings. Naturally, Nora compares every relationship to the one she has or had with Ugo.
Difficulty: Intermediate
Orazio has a conversation with his doctor and Anna has a conversation with her friend. Both Anna and Orazio are frustrated but don't know what to do.
Difficulty: Intermediate
Lorenzo and Dante meet up at the park and commiserate a bit. Dante asks Lorenzo for a favor.
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