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Anticipare and Anticipo

We have already talked a bit about the verb anticipare because it is the opposite of posticipare (to postpone). But let's look at some examples to get a feel for the verb and then look at the noun.




Anticipare (to move up)

Eh, c'è un caso delicato e ho dovuto anticipare il rientro.

Uh, there is a delicate case and I've had to move up my return.

Caption 65, Il Commissario Manara S2EP9 - L'amica ritrovata - Part 5

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We might just say, "I had to go back earlier" or "I had to return ahead of schedule." 


Ma no, sulle prime sembrava che fosse quel giorno, poi invece gli scritti li hanno anticipati e li ho dati un mese fa.

But no, at first it seemed like it was that day, but then they moved the written exams up and I did those a month ago.

Captions 5-6, Sposami EP 4 - Part 25

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If I answer your question before you ask it, you might say:

Mi hai anticipato (you preceded me, you beat me to it).


When I have told you something earlier and refer to it now, I might say something like:


Vediamo un po' in quale altro modo si usa, perché, come ti avevo anticipato, ci sono vari modi.

Let's look a bit into what other way it's used. Because, as I told you earlier, there are various ways.

Captions 2-3, Marika spiega La particella CI - Part 2

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Sometimes, instead of words or information, it's money!


Walter m'aveva chiesto di anticipare i soldi per il viaggio ai Caraibi...

Walter had asked me to advance him the money for the trip to the Caribbean...

Caption 51, Il Commissario Manara S2EP5 - Mondo sommerso - Part 3

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It's also common, when talking about money, to use the noun form we mentioned earlier: un anticipo

Ma il nostro accordo era un anticipo subito e il resto alla consegna.

But our agreement was an advance payment right away and the rest upon delivery.

Caption 8, Il Commissario Manara S2EP5 - Mondo sommerso - Part 9

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We could also use "down payment" to mean anticipo here.  You might ask your boss for un anticipo (an advance). 


In anticipo 

And when something or someone is early, or arrives early, ahead of schedule, most of the time we say in anticipo. It functions as an adverb.

Sono in anticipo?

Am I early?

Caption 40, Il Commissario Manara S2EP3 - Delitto tra le lenzuola - Part 11

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Con anticipo

We can also say con anticipo when we want to say "in advance." Here anticipo is a noun, and it has an adjective in front of it. 

Il problema è che spesso le strutture sono sovraffollate, per cui, eh, devi agire con molto anticipo rispetto agli esami che vuoi fare

The problem is that often, the facilities are overcrowded, so uh, you have to act long in advance with respect to the exams that you want to do

Captions 8-10, Anna presenta La gravidanza - Part 2

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But we can also say in netto anticipo (well in advance) and here it again functions pretty much like an adverb. It is more important to be able to use this word than to know its part of speech. Sometimes the confines are blurry.


Unico: What Does It Really Mean?

Now that we have talked about uno, here's another related word that's handy to know. It's a word you can guess one meaning of because it looks similar to an English word you know.


Oggi Matera è un sito unico al mondo...

Today, Matera is a site that's unique in the world...

Caption 46, Meraviglie - EP. 1 - Part 11

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So when you want to say something is unique, now you know how. Don't forget that the adjective unico has to agree with its noun. You have four possible endings to choose from: unico, unica, unici, uniche.


One way Italians like to use unico is to give someone a certain kind of compliment (which can be ironic, too). 


Augusto, sei unico.

Augusto, you're one of a kind.

Caption 34, La Ladra - Ep. 6 - Nero di rabbia

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Again, if you are saying this to a girl or woman, you will want to use unica

Maria, sei unica!

Maria, you're special!



But the main way Italians use the word unico is to mean "only."


È l'unico modo che ho per sdebitarmi.

It's the only way I have to settle my debt.

Caption 25, La Ladra - EP. 8 - Il momento giusto

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Questa scuola è l'unica cosa che ho.

This school is the only thing I have.

Caption 5, Il Commissario Manara - S2EP5 - Mondo sommerso

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E saremo gli unici al mondo ad avere qualcosa di simile.

And we'll be the only ones in the world to have something like this.

Caption 18, Adriano Olivetti - La forza di un sogno Ep.2

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Tutte le volte che veniva a pregare per le uniche persone che amava.

Every time she came to pray for the only people she loved.

Caption 17, Il Commissario Manara - S1EP10 - Un morto di troppo

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If you travel to Italy and go clothes shopping, here's something you will definitely see on the racks or on a label.

taglia unica (one size fits all).

The noun La taglia comes from the verb tagliare (to cut).  


The other very important expression with unico is what you might see while driving your macchina a noleggio (rental car).

una strada a senso unico (a one way street)


People also just call a one way street: 

un senso unico (a one way street)


In these last two examples, we could say that unico stands for "one." The important thing is to understand what it means in the situation. You don't want to drive the wrong way down a road!


Solo: What Does It Really Mean?

Most folks know that when someone plays a solo, he or she is the main player, also called the soloist. Sometimes a musician plays alone (this is a hint).


Solo is an Italian word

You may or may not have realized that solo is an Italian word, 100%.  Let's take a look at how it's used in Italian. Because when someone plays a solo in the middle of a song, strangely enough, it's called something else entirely: un assolo (a solo).


Sì. -In un... -Io sono, sono un tenore leggero.

Yes. -In a... -I'm a, I'm a light tenor.

E fai anche dei duetti... -Sì, a volte duetti buffi,

And you also do duets... -Yes, sometimes comic opera duets,

a volte, invece, dei, degli assoli. -Ecco! Ah, no.

sometimes, on the other hand, some, some solos. -There! Ah, no.

Posso sentire prima un assolo e poi, magari, vedo, facciamo un duetto.

Can I first hear a solo, and then, maybe let's see, we'll do a duet.

Captions 101-104, L'Eredità -Quiz TV - La sfida dei sei. Puntata 1

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Solo has to do with being alone. It can mean "on one's own."


Ulisse era un cane anziano, un cane solo.

Ulisse was an old dog, a lone dog.

Caption 12, Andromeda - La storia di Ulisse

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Solo is often preceded by the preposition da (by), making it function sort of like an adverb, answering the question "how," or "in what way,"  in which case we can translate it with "by oneself," "on one's own," "by itself," or "alone."


Guarda che al cinema ci posso pure andare da sola.

Look, I can perfectly well go to the movies by myself.

Caption 49, Adriano Olivetti - La forza di un sogno Ep. 1 - Part 19

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Guardi, sta arrivando Olivetti.

Look, here comes Olivetti.

Pensava di venire qui con tanti dei suoi

He thought he'd come here with many of his own,

e invece è da solo.

and instead, he's by himself.

Captions 59-60, Adriano Olivetti - La forza di un sogno Ep.2 - Part 21

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Vuoi un antidolorifico? Ce l'ho.

Do you want a painkiller? I have some.

-No, no, no. Preferisco che mi passi da solo.

-No, no, no. I prefer for it to go away on its own.

-Come vuoi.

-As you like.

Captions 38-40, La Ladra - Ep. 7 - Il piccolo ladro

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Io, la mia strada, me la sono fatta da solo.

I, I've paved my own way [I did it all on my own].

Caption 43, Adriano Olivetti - La forza di un sogno Ep.2 - Part 9

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"Solo" da solo

But solo is not always preceded by da.


Io... lo... lo conoscevo poco, però,

I... I... I didn't know him very well

nonostante tutte le donne che si vantava di avere,

but despite all the women he bragged about having,

a me sembrava un uomo molto solo.

he seemed like a very lonely man to me.

Captions 40-41, Il Commissario Manara - S2EP5 - Mondo sommerso

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In this case, it means "lonely." It's not always clear if someone is lonely or alone. But if we ad da — da solo, then it is clear it means "alone," not "lonely." We can also say "to feel alone" or "to feel lonely." Sentirsi solo.


Solo also means "only"

Solo can be an adjective meaning "only" — which rhymes with "lonely," and in Italian it's the same word.


Non è il solo motivo per cui mi oppongo.

It's not the only reason I object.

Caption 41, Adriano Olivetti - La forza di un sogno Ep.2 - Part 1

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Vedi, Alessio, quando mio padre venne qui e fondò questa fabbrica,

You see, Alessio, when my father came here and founded this plant,

qui intorno c'erano solo campi di grano.

there were only wheat fields around here.

Captions 17-18, Adriano Olivetti - La forza di un sogno Ep.2 - Part 13

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Cioè, penso solo al fatto che tu non ci sia più, Martino.

I mean, I can only think about the fact that you're no longer here, Martino.

Caption 3, Chi m'ha visto - film

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In English, we often say "just" to mean the same thing.


Magari! Ma quanto mi costa? Adesso spara la cifra.

If only! But how much will it cost me? Now he'll name the price.

-Io non voglio parlare di danaro, io voglio solo aiutarla.

-I don't want to talk about money. I just want to help you.

Captions 37-38, La Ladra - Ep. 4 - Una magica bionda

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Typical expressions with solo

It's typical for someone to say, è solo che... (it's just that...) to minimize something, or to say "but."


Eh, è solo che ho bisogno di un prestito.

Huh, it's just that I need a loan.

Caption 10, La Ladra - Ep. 1 - Le cose cambiano

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Another context in which we hear solo is when we want to say, "And that's not all!"


E non solo. Nella salina Moranella,

And not only that [and that's not all]. In the Moranella salt pan,

un momento magico, veramente, è la raccolta del fior di sale.

a magical moment, really, is the harvesting of "fleur de sel."

Captions 52-53, La rotta delle spezie di Franco Calafatti - Il sale

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When you need to keep someone waiting for a moment, or you are passing the phone to someone else, you can say:

Un momento solo (just a moment).

Un instante solo (just a moment). 


We hope this lesson has given you some insight into the very common and important word solo. Don't forget that you can do a search of this word (and any other one) and see all the contexts right there on the video page. Look at where solo falls in the sentence and read the sentence to yourself. Get a feel for this word.