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L'oro di Scampia
25 Videos

L'oro di Scampia (The Gold of Scampia) is based on a true story, adapted from Gianni Maddaloni's book, La mia vita sportiva (My Life in Sports). Scampia is a suburb made up of massive public housing blocks north of Naples. Camorra criminals rule the area and make life very difficult for Enzo Capuano, a hospital worker, who runs a Judo school in his spare time. Against all odds, Enzo is mostly successful in keeping kids from joining the Camorra, and sees his son, Toni, win the gold medal in Judo at the Olympics in Sydney. Toni's name in real life is Pino Maddaloni.

1 Episodes
Pages: 1 of 2 
─ Videos: 1-15 of 25 Totaling 1 hour 42 minutes

L'oro di Scampia - film - Part 1

Difficulty: difficulty - Advanced Advanced

Italy Neapolitan

Based on a true story, this film takes place in Scampia, a poor, crowded suburb just outside Naples. Having one of the highest rates of unemployment in Italy, the Camorra gets its way with many of the kids from this neighborhood, but Gianni also saves many kids by getting them involved in judo.

L'oro di Scampia - film - Part 2

Difficulty: difficulty - Advanced Advanced

Italy Neapolitan

We're taken back to before the shots were fired at the Judo school. We get some background on the school and on Enzo's family.

L'oro di Scampia - film - Part 3

Difficulty: difficulty - Advanced Advanced

Italy Neapolitan

Nunzia knocks at Enzo's door asking him to help her with her son, Sasà. We get to see a bit more of Sasà's personality, and Toni's.

L'oro di Scampia - film - Part 4

Difficulty: difficulty - Advanced Advanced

Italy Neapolitan

There are some special additions to the judo class today.

L'oro di Scampia - film - Part 5

Difficulty: difficulty - Advanced Advanced

Italy Neapolitan

Enzo has his hands full with Sasà at the gym. And that's not all.

L'oro di Scampia - film - Part 6

Difficulty: difficulty - Advanced Advanced

Italy Neapolitan

The Capuano family has plenty of worries, and Police Agent Russo has his hands full as well.

L'oro di Scampia - film - Part 7

Difficulty: difficulty - Advanced Advanced

Italy Neapolitan

To reach a goal, you need to know how to deal with adversity. To walk on without fear. That's one thing you learn at Enzo's gym.

L'oro di Scampia - film - Part 8

Difficulty: difficulty - Advanced Advanced

Italy Neapolitan

Enzo's judo club has been noticed by the local bosses, and Officer Russo tries to help the girl whose wallet had been stolen.

L'oro di Scampia - film - Part 9

Difficulty: difficulty - Advanced Advanced

Italy Neapolitan

There's a new girl in the judo class. And Enzo is looking for yet another job!

L'oro di Scampia - film - Part 10

Difficulty: difficulty - Advanced Advanced

Italy Neapolitan

The judo teacher comes back to the gym with a surprise, and everyone's mood improves, and what's more, they actually get to go to Rome!

L'oro di Scampia - film - Part 11

Difficulty: difficulty - Advanced Advanced

Italy Neapolitan

A great coach has to support his athletes through victories and losses. Sports are a mirror of life itself, where when you lose, you have to get back up. Two of the most popular words in this segment are dai, which literally means "give," but signifies "come on," "go on," "go for it," and vai, which means "go," "go for it."

L'oro di Scampia - film - Part 12

Difficulty: difficulty - Advanced Advanced

Italy Neapolitan

Some things get better, some things stay the same, and some things get worse.

L'oro di Scampia - film - Part 13

Difficulty: difficulty - Adv-Intermediate Adv-Intermediate

Italy Neapolitan

Against his will, Carmine gets sucked back into the criminal world, feeling like he has no choice.

L'oro di Scampia - film - Part 14

Difficulty: difficulty - Adv-Intermediate Adv-Intermediate

Italy Neapolitan

It takes a lot of courage on Enzo's part, but he says "no" to an advantageous situation, and he defies the Camorra.

L'oro di Scampia - film - Part 15

Difficulty: difficulty - Adv-Intermediate Adv-Intermediate

Italy Neapolitan

Toni and his father don't see eye to eye concerning the gym they were offered.


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