Difficulty: Beginner
Italy Neapolitan
Modal verbs in Italian are potere (to be able to) volere (to want to) and dovere (to have to). Daniela explains how they work!
Difficulty: Intermediate
Paola Turci first sang "Bambini" at the 1989 Sanremo Festival. The song is an indictment of child exploitation and an atypical song for Sanremo. She's joined by Marina Rei in this video.
Difficulty: Adv-Intermediate
A pleasant evening at the circus gets interrupted when Lara gets a phone call and rushes off to the hospital.
Difficulty: Beginner
Marika shows us the rules about using direct object pronouns. Don't be discouraged if you don't absorb it all at once. It takes plenty of practice, and plenty of trial and error. See first part: Marika spiega - Pronomi diretti
Difficulty: Advanced
Marchesi had plenty of artist friends, and that meant late nights, while having a restaurant meant getting up at the crack of dawn to go to the market. How did he do it?
Difficulty: Newbie
Marika gives us an overview on how to use direct object pronouns, which take the place of direct objects when the object has already been referred to. Here's an example of this in English:
"Do you know the answer [direct object noun]?" "Yes I know it [direct object pronoun]."
Difficulty: Beginner
Italy Neapolitan
Daniela shows us how to conjugate reflexive verbs. It's not really any different than conjugating normal verbs, so don't worry!
Difficulty: Beginner
In this ad, heroic Giuseppe Garibaldi is stereotyped as a mammone (mama's boy), still under the thumb of his mammina (dear mother), stereotypical overprotective Italian mother.
Difficulty: Adv-Intermediate
Let the show begin! We're at the circus, and the ringmaster looks familiar to one of the women in the audience. Meanwhile, Manara has un unexpected encounter as he leaves the nightspot.
Difficulty: Advanced
Marchesi talks about how important his travels in Europe and in Asia had been in enriching his menu, and confirming the path he was following.
Difficulty: Intermediate
TIM is Italy's state controlled mobile phone service. In this madcap ad, we're taken back to the time of Garibaldi, where the great unifier of Italy complains to his mother about her laundry skills. In order to avoid parolacce (dirty words), Garibaldi resorts to a euphemism, which even when translated won't make sense to many of us. What he means in caption 8 is "Like hell."
Difficulty: Beginner
Elisa covers Luciano Ligabue's 2014 song "A modo tuo" (In Your Own Way). Ligabue's song describes his concerns about his own daughter's growing up. Elisa's "A modo tuo" has been a huge hit.
Difficulty: Intermediate
We've finally reached the last part of this recipe. Now you can make this dish yourself. Don't forget to pre-heat the oven to two hundred and twenty or two hundred and forty degrees (428-464°F). If you happen to have any leftover afterwards, you can safely freeze it. Buon appetito!
Difficulty: Adv-Intermediate
Luca, posing as a John Wayne type, goes to the country music bar, and meets up, quite unexpectedly, with someone he had just met the day before.
Difficulty: Beginner
Italy Neapolitan
Daniela works on reflexive verbs, the verbs distinguished by their si ending. The si lets us know that the action involves the self. For clarity, the English translation is also given in a reflexive form, to aid in the understanding, even though English doesn't use it.
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