Difficulty: Advanced
Marchesi talks about how much he learned from just being around great chefs who happened to be relatives, but also how much he learned from books. There are also some interesting opinions about why most great chefs are male!
Difficulty: Advanced
Milan, as it became an important center for gastronomy and publishing, relinquished, at the same time, part of its regional identity.
Difficulty: Advanced
Various experts talk about their memories of Milan back in the fifties: Sunday morning rituals of getting pastries from the "best," bars, eating big meals twice a day, the cathedral square with its tram and neon lights, and so forth.
Difficulty: Advanced
Italian cuisine in the fifties reflected both the economic prospering, and the cultural growth of a population that had also begun opening up to new horizons through the birth of tourism.
Difficulty: Advanced
Being a man of culture as well as an expert chef, Gualtiero Marchesi has found himself being inspired by artists. He talks of dripping food onto a platter, much as Jackson Pollock would drip paint onto a canvas.
Difficulty: Advanced
Gualtiero Marchesi describes both his old and the new versions of Pollo Kiev (Chicken Kiev). Relatively simple and tasty, especially if you like butter!
Difficulty: Intermediate
When does an artist become an artist? Join Gualtiero Marchesi in his musings on art and the art of cooking in this new chapter.
Difficulty: Intermediate
In this segment, cooking is seen as an art form, starting with a white plate as the artist's canvas...
Difficulty: Intermediate
Some artists, including Gualtiero Marchesi, talk about the past: horse-drawn carts for delivering produce, artists exchanging news from abroad before the widespread use of telephones, tripe for breakfast, still-life paintings reflecting the food of the times and its preparation. There's even talk of the desire to eat paintings! Buon appetito!
Difficulty: Intermediate
Gualtiero Marchesi talks about the chef as an artist, and how different chefs can be recognized by their distinctive artistic styles. In defending the choice of simple, genuine food, he goes on to talk about the art of slicing, and how it used to be "performed" right in the dining room.
Difficulty: Intermediate
Is beauty in the eye of the beholder? That's what they say--but to Gualtiero Marchesi, that's not necessarily so. Sometimes beautiful is beautiful, period. As we've seen in other segments, cooking as an art form is a topic that's close to this chef's heart.
Difficulty: Intermediate
Art critic Gillo Dorfles talks about Milan in the fifties, sixties and seventies, and how, thanks to the war and to fascism, it developed as it did. Gualtiero Marchesi talks about the high standards of his cuisine, and some of the personalities who frequented his restaurant.
Difficulty: Intermediate
Eugenio Medagliani, expert on the world of Italian cuisine, talks about the days when Gualtiero Marchesi wasn't yet very well known, but refused to make pasta dishes. He describes a trip they made together through the desert from L.A. to Las Vegas where Gualtiero started getting inspired about pasta.
Difficulty: Intermediate
Giovanni Ballarini talks about Paris being the capital of haute cuisine, and about the birth of bourgeois cuisine at the time of the French Revolution. Chef Mariasole Capodanno talks about her experiences, as a young girl, with real French cuisine and how even the presentation was so amazing. Neapolitan and Sicilian cooking came out of the work of chefs who had been employed during the reign of the Bourbons, especially in Naples and Sicily, where the chefs were called Monsù, or Monzù a corruption of the French, Monsieur.
Difficulty: Intermediate
Gualtiero Marchesi talks about his experiences in Paris, learning from the chefs there. Actually, he already knew much of what was taught to him, because he'd had chefs in his family who were well-versed in both every day and fancy fare. He, on the other hand, was looking for something new and different.
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