Difficulty: Intermediate
Lojacono says goodbye to Marinella, who is going back to be with her mother. They make some promises to each other. Pisanelli is watching a building where he suspects something will happen. Aragona is in his hotel room and gets a pleasant surprise.
Difficulty: Adv-Intermediate
Pasquale, who works for Michele, has managed to find some information favorable to Michele's case. Nicoletta finds out about the "night business" and asks Michele for some explanations.
Difficulty: Intermediate
The next stop is Novara, a city near Milan, with an interesting history related to when it was under Spanish rule. See map. The video mentions a special sesini tax, and to learn more, check out this lesson.
Difficulty: Intermediate
Alice is still worried about Joy and talks to Stefano and Max about it, but they don't see things the same way. They're thinking about the party, as is Ivan, who catches up with Alice at a certain point. He may want to abandon his usual ghost costume.
Difficulty: Intermediate
Aunt Clo tells Ugo and Nora what she had been up to rather than being on her deathbed... A heated discussion ensues. Dino gets a registered letter, retrieved from the postman by Melody.
Difficulty: Intermediate
Imma goes to talk to the clairvoyant to get confirmation about the 5th of March. Later, the missing recorder shows up with some shocking audio.
Difficulty: Intermediate
Michele makes the trip to the island of Malta, where he meets the Grand Master of the Knights of Malta, hoping for protection. In Rome, his paintings are being removed from churches, since he is now considered to be a murderer.
Difficulty: Intermediate
The plot thickens, as Berardi calls in Professor Predolin's neighbor to ask her some questions. At home, Camilla's mother has an announcement to make, hoping to surprise everyone.
Difficulty: Beginner
This year's holiday greetings from the Yabla Italian team include a short poem by Gianni Rodari. He asks a soothsayer to see into the future. Let's see what the soothsayer says! Heartfelt thanks to all who are honing their Italian skills with Yabla.
Difficulty: Intermediate
Diana receives some news about Donata that is in contrast to the medical examiner's report. Imma is driven to a small town where she hopes to talk with a certain Nunziatina.
Difficulty: Intermediate
Mario tells, in detail, what he did. The DA has a few more questions, but then this chapter of the case comes to a close.
Difficulty: Adv-Intermediate
Michele is looking for a way to participate in the activities of the Nest. Iolda is the person he has to talk to about it.
Difficulty: Beginner
How to exchange greetings at Christmastime? What is the Italian equivalent of Christmas cookies? Marika helps us out with some good words and expressions to know.
Difficulty: Intermediate
There are different reasons one chooses to walk a path. The important thing is to feel the need to undertake it. It's not like a stroll in the park, but rather a challenge to one's body, mind, and spirit.
Difficulty: Intermediate
Relations between Alice and Joy have become strained, but soon it will be Halloween, and everyone is thinking about what to dress up as.
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