Difficulty: Adv-Intermediate
Once again Caterina sees something that starts a chain reaction of questioning down at police headquarters.
Difficulty: Intermediate
The Italian branch of the WWF, or World Wildlife Fund, has been rescuing sea turtles and finding ways to protect their habitats ever since the 1980s.
Difficulty: Beginner
Marika's lesson is on the all important verb andare [to go]. She includes a number of common expressions using this irregular verb.
Difficulty: Adv-Intermediate
Italy Neapolitan
See how things work out for Enzo, Toni, Leda, Felice, and the people of Scampia. Here's the true story. Let us know if you would like a transcription and/or translation.
Difficulty: Adv-Intermediate
Italy Neapolitan
Will the azzurro Toni (azzurro, literally the blue, is a nickname for several Italian national sport teams) get his gold medal? Will Leda let herself be helped? At this point, we can only hope.
Difficulty: Adv-Intermediate
Italy Sicilian Tuscan
Luca's sister has found an apartment for him. Meanwhile, zia Caterina goes to see the old lady.
Difficulty: Intermediate
The girl whose bicycle was stolen gets to work late and is then teased when she tells why. Meanwhile Paolo is having a rough time at the airport, picking up his young nephew who comes from Belarus.
Difficulty: Beginner
In this first of three segments on the infinitive, Daniela covers conjugated verbs followed directly by verbs in the infinitive, without the use of prepositions.
Difficulty: Intermediate
Sara and Jacopo will have a long challenging day ahead of them. They just don't know it yet.
Difficulty: Adv-Intermediate
Italy Sicilian Tuscan
Everyone is trying to figure out how Giada Mercuri ended up on an air mattress in the swamp. Meanwhile, at the cemetery, new strange things are happening!
Difficulty: Intermediate
Buonconsiglio Castle in Beseno is the highlight of this segment. The castle boasts a frescoed cycle with scenes from the everyday life of farmers and nobles, circa 1400.
Difficulty: Intermediate
What in English is called a tongue-twister, in Italian is a scioglilingua, or tongue loosener. The Trentine one, with the alliterated Ts, is the most successful in English translation.
Difficulty: Adv-Intermediate
Italy Neapolitan
Toni and Enzo are ready to leave for Sydney. If Toni doesn't win, will people remember him?
Difficulty: Adv-Intermediate
Italy Sicilian Tuscan
Lara and Luca go to question an old woman who knew the victim. Meanwhile, Teresa is getting to know Lara and her aunt.
Difficulty: Intermediate
Paolo starts out to go to work, but nothing is as it should be. Thinking of himself and only himself seems to be what he does best.
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