Difficulty: Intermediate
There are problems in the kitchen: Eva is mad at Dante and doesn't trust him. There are problems in town to which Eva is a witness.
Difficulty: Adv-Intermediate
After the war came TV. It changed everything, and provided a new way to unify the Italian language and teach people reading and writing.
Difficulty: Adv-Intermediate
Inspector Rivera is very much appreciated at Police Headquarters, and so is Manara, but for different reasons and by different people.
Difficulty: Beginner
Daniela concentrates on the modal verbs essere [to be] and avere [to have] in the imperfect tense.
Difficulty: Intermediate
We're down to two contestants: Agnese and Francescopaolo. Carlo's seven questions are pretty tough and involve international material.
Difficulty: Intermediate
Back at the restaurant, there's a little tension in the kitchen, and in the dining hall the girls get together to drink to their success. They do get a little scare, though, when a familiar face appears.
Difficulty: Adv-Intermediate
The segment looks at the Royal Academy of Italy's dictionary of Italian, which was filled with quotes from Mussolini. By the end of World War II, the dictionary had gotten to the letter “C.”
Difficulty: Adv-Intermediate
The team figures out how the crime happened, and Manara has to reveal his more compassionate, sensitive side to bring this investigation to an end.
Difficulty: Beginner
Erica and Martina talk about their friendship, which started in the first year of high school and continues today.
Difficulty: Beginner
It's time to talk about Calabria, a southern region with both sea and mountains. Let's hope Anna did some studying.
Difficulty: Intermediate
Thanks to the girls' hard work, the bride and her father are happy on the wedding day. Dad learns an important lesson.
Difficulty: Intermediate
Pythagoras, after leaving Croton, brought his school of philosophy to Metapontum. This key city of Magna Graecia [Greater Greece] brings the series on Basilicata to a close.
Difficulty: Adv-Intermediate
Marta proves herself to be smart and intuitive. This leads to a new perspective on the case.
Difficulty: Intermediate
Here we are in the final phase of this delicious pasta recipe from Sardinia. This is the fun part, for sure.
Difficulty: Beginner
Daniela discusses the imperfect tense for verbs ending in -are, -ere, and -ire.
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