Difficulty: Adv-Intermediate
There's lots going on at police headquarters. Even Caterina shows up at just the right moment.
Difficulty: Intermediate
Italy Tuscan
Arianna shows us around the Cathedral Square, where the bell tower, better known as the Leaning Tower of Pisa, is located.
Difficulty: Intermediate
Caterina, Francescopaolo, and Matteo are at the “bivio” [fork in the road] stage of the game and have a fifty-fifty chance of selecting the right answer. What makes it fun but hard is that many words have double or triple meanings.
Difficulty: Intermediate
Eva discovers, in person, how the medium's seances work. Lorenzo's surprise is not what he expected, and Eva gets a nice surprise, too.
Difficulty: Adv-Intermediate
Italy Tuscan
The big question is: Why did Mineo spend so much money on deep diving equipment he couldn't afford?
Difficulty: Intermediate
Today's big question revolves around TV personalities and how they got their start in the business. Caterina gets the jolt, like a gong, on that line of questioning. Later, Ilaria draws a blank on Giacomo Leopardi's poem, “The Lonely Sparrow.”
Difficulty: Intermediate
Eva and Gina go to see the medium to check out the situation. In the meantime, Lorenzo gets his "new" motor scooter and another nice surprise.
Difficulty: Beginner
Daniela explains three situations in which the remote past may be used and gives us examples of each situation. But don't worry, this tense is not mandatory and Daniela suggests the passato prossimo (present perfect) as a valid alternative. Note: The passato prossimo is constructed like the English present perfect tense (with a helping verb and past participle), but is used more like the English past simple.
Difficulty: Adv-Intermediate
Thanks to Rosmini, Manara gets rid of his symptoms, but not the problem itself. Toscani is under a lot of pressure from his very pregnant wife.
Difficulty: Intermediate
Anna and Marika are hard at work with their mortar and pestle, making some delicious pesto. As they work, they give us some extra information about their new tool.
Difficulty: Intermediate
The contestants are having major problems with historical chronology, and Carlo Conti is frankly a bit shocked.
Difficulty: Intermediate
After meeting up with Samantha, the girls are determined to help in the best way they know how. While discussing things, they get a surprise visit from the Commissioner.
Difficulty: Beginner
Daniela explains how to conjugate the remote past of the verbs avere (to have) and prendere (to take).
Difficulty: Adv-Intermediate
Luca questions some potential witnesses and suspects. He also takes his personal problem to someone who might have the necessary expertise to help him solve it.
Difficulty: Intermediate
Contestants give true or false answers to questions that are all over the board, and sometimes amusing.
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