Difficulty: Adv-Intermediate
Martino and Peppino go to the Kursal, and as we could expect, finding Laura doesn't turn out so well. Martino has some hard thinking to do.
Difficulty: Intermediate
Adriano goes back to the factory and is welcomed by the workers. Teresa and Libero get an unexpected and unpleasant visit.
Difficulty: Intermediate
The temple dedicated to Concordia was built on an ancient seabed from two million years ago, and is one of the most remarkable structures from the Greek world. Alberto Angela explains why it is the only one still standing.
Difficulty: Intermediate
Filippo goes to the market with Eva and we discover what kind of kid he truly is. He also recognizes someone he knows. Back at the restaurant, Lorenzo and his mom have a little discussion.
Difficulty: Adv-Intermediate
Luca Manara has been suspended, so he is acting as if he were on vacation, and as if he didn't care about the new crime that has been reported.
Difficulty: Beginner
With examples from La Ladra, Marika explains some common but hard-to-translate, colloquial Italian expressions: pizzicare qualcuno, fare le corna and essere nei pasticci.
Difficulty: Adv-Intermediate
Martino finally goes home to his mother, and discovers that she watches the show Uomini e Donne (Men and Women) like everyone else, so she knows who Samantha is. Martino calls Laura, or tries to.
Difficulty: Intermediate
Adriano realizes that the only thing to do is to go and talk to Grazia's father, hoping to persuade him of his serious intentions.
Difficulty: Intermediate
We're in the south of Italy, where many cultures have merged. Alberto Angela takes us to visit the magnificent Valley of the Temples in Agrigento, Sicily.
Difficulty: Intermediate
Eva goes out to do her grocery shopping, but gets sidetracked in a big way by a kid stealing her bike.
Difficulty: Adv-Intermediate
Manara succeeds in solving the case. But Raimondi is not happy at all and calls Manara into his office.
Difficulty: Beginner
Adriano convinces his mother to share her secret recipe for arancello with us. Arancello is an Italian liqueur made with the rinds of oranges.
Difficulty: Adv-Intermediate
At the bar, Martino sees some old townsmen who tease him and tell him he should get a real job. One of the old guys mentions Fred Bongusto, an Italian singer known for a song "A Rotunda on the Sea". Martino and Peppino go off in a three-wheeled Ape (bee), a light commercial vehicle common all over Italy. Peppino cites Roberto Bolle, a famous Italian dancer, and Men and Women, a TV show for dating.
Difficulty: Intermediate
Now that Arianna has explained what dubbing is, she demonstrates the dubbing process itself, using a video from Yabla English.
Difficulty: Intermediate
Adriano has to go back to Ivrea because of a death in the family, and that's where this first episode leaves us. It is interesting to note all the kinds of professionals who contributed to producing this biopic.
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