Difficulty: Newbie
Italy Lucano
The three friends, Serena, Milena and Flavia tell us about themselves, employing some useful comparatives. The girls talk about their favorite places and invite everybody to visit Italy. Review your comparatives with them!
Difficulty: Newbie
Do you know the Italian words for family members? Listen and watch as Giuditta and Marino talk about how large their family has become since they got married and had a child.
Difficulty: Newbie
Carla Molinari is a Neapolitan singer who loves Mediterranean song. Her song Notte Magica (Magical Night) is presented here by Mediterraneos Productions.
Difficulty: Newbie
Italy Lucano
Serena is near one of the beaches of her town, Maratea, where she lives with her family and she tells us a few things about herself.
Difficulty: Newbie
In this video, Marika explains the days of the week, the months and the seasons of the year. Learn them now with Marika!
Difficulty: Newbie
What in the world is Yabla? Irene explains it to you, and all in under two and a half minutes! Don’t worry if you don’t speak Italian, it’s all subtitled and captioned, with plenty of features to help you soak up any new language molto velocemente! What are you waiting for? Fire up the video!
Difficulty: Newbie
Italy Sicilian
Salvo Agria is a painter and according to him, art is the most liberating way of expressing oneself. He believes that a person doesn’t choose art, but that art chooses the person. He shows a painting that depicts three generations: a little girl, an adult woman, and an old woman.
Difficulty: Newbie
Italy Lucano
Flavia is from Maratea, but she now lives in Rome, where she attends university. She misses her native town.
Difficulty: Newbie
“Tu scendi dalle stelle” (You Come Down from the Stars) is undoubtedly one of the best known Italian Christmas carols. The great Alex Baroni sings the carol in a very clear manner. The vocabulary is easy and repetitive. Great for beginners!
Difficulty: Beginner
In this new episode of "Marika explains", we clarify the use of allocutive pronouns, that is, the pronouns used to address an interlocutor. Let's start with "tu" (you).
Difficulty: Beginner
In this final part, we look at terms related to the financial world and particularly those concerning the Stock Exchange. At the end, a short text summarizes the vocabulary to allow for a useful review.
Difficulty: Beginner
In this second part dedicated to financial terms, we'll look at the words commonly used in Italy, as well as the most discussed topics on economic culture at the moment.
Difficulty: Beginner
A representation of the Yabla Italian team wants to surprise Yabla friends with many good wishes and nice messages. Thank you for being with us this year too! Happy Holidays!
Difficulty: Beginner
In this first part dedicated to finance, we begin to familiarize ourselves with terms related to this topic. We will see that in Italian financial language, there are also some Anglicisms present.
Difficulty: Beginner
In this final part about the vocabulary dedicated to international politics, Marika provides two texts that give context to all the previously discussed words. She takes the opportunity of sending us all a message of peace and hope.
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