Difficulty: Adv-Intermediate
Iannuzzi is interrogated again and, in front of his wife, has an outburst of anger that makes him confess what he has done. Despite everything, Imma still doesn't believe what he's saying.
Difficulty: Adv-Intermediate
At the funeral, Valentina meets a young man who had followed her recipe page and says he cared deeply for Don Mariano. Calogiuri visits Iannuzzi's wife and later, with Imma, speaks again with Iannuzzi.
Difficulty: Adv-Intermediate
Imma spends some time with Pietro in the hospital, but once she leaves, she is determined to figure out what the keys found with Don Mariano open, and she goes to ask someone who might know.
Difficulty: Adv-Intermediate
Imma and Calogiuri compare notes on what they have regarding the investigation into Don Mariano's death. The two disagree on how to proceed to the point of losing their patience.
Difficulty: Adv-Intermediate
Calogiuri is sharing useful information with Imma to discover something about Don Mariano's death when Diana enters to communicate that she has found what Imma had asked her to look for.
Difficulty: Adv-Intermediate
Mario, wanting to be helpful, would like to block the entrance to prevent the inspectors from entering, but Michele manages to convince him that it's not a good idea. The workers have formed a strange idea about the place.
Difficulty: Adv-Intermediate
While discussing the murder case with Calogiuri, Imma learns about a violent husband, a certain Pasquale Iannuzzi. Imma goes to see Pietro in the hospital and questions him, as she knows how to do very well.
Difficulty: Adv-Intermediate
In the area of the Nest targeted by the team, work is being done to eliminate the contaminated part. Riccardo urges everyone to take precautions and sleep with open windows if they cannot spend the night elsewhere.
Difficulty: Adv-Intermediate
Sergio Cofferati, former mayor of Bologna, recounts his connection with Tex that began in 1952, when, as a child, the first comic strips read by his uncle deeply fascinated him. This video concludes the episode about Tex.
Difficulty: Adv-Intermediate
Since the phone records have arrived, Imma must provide explanations to both Vitali and Calogiuri. Both are of the opinion that Imma doesn't trust them.
Difficulty: Adv-Intermediate
The workers Michele had called found that the pollution is only on a part of the land, but to clean it up they need the whole night and some help to give them energy. Iolde is trying to help Michele out by lending him her phone.
Difficulty: Adv-Intermediate
The students tasked by Marioni to help Matteo create a chat group, and Sara immediately puts her foot in it. At Robbo's house, things are a bit tense and little Chiara is worried about what might happen.
Difficulty: Adv-Intermediate
There are stories like the one that talks about Tex's past and others that tell of other characters without overshadowing him. We also see how the comic book format originated and how it has changed over time.
Difficulty: Adv-Intermediate
Imma is talking with Mottola to find any connections with Don Mariano's death. He is accusing the deceased of not having helped him, and at a certain point, she says: Ma si rende conto? (but do you have any idea?) For more on this expression see our lesson. Back home, Imma is irritable, but she can't talk to her daughter about the real reasons she is upset.
Difficulty: Adv-Intermediate
While everyone is sitting around the table, a phone call comes from the environmental agency saying they will come the next day. There is some panic. Michele keeps his cool.
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