Difficulty: Intermediate
Office gossip, the Italian way. Marika and Anna dish about the boss, the boss's nephew, the boss's nephew with the wife of the old boss, a temp--all while pretending to work.
Difficulty: Beginner
A live performance by Gianna Nannini singing the compelling hit, “Meravigliosa Creatura.”
Difficulty: Beginner
Marika gets to help a friend in need, and at the same time, show off her skill at using a hammer and nails. She tells us how she put together a chest of drawers and put up a shelf all in a morning's work, and had fun doing it.
Difficulty: Intermediate
Lele isn't used to the commute and arrives late at the hospital, finding a room full of patients and an angry boss.
Difficulty: Beginner
Marika and Anna go over the future and conditional tenses for the verb essere (to be). The vocabulary review covers the future and the conditional conjugations for this verb.
Difficulty: Advanced
Federico Fellini discusses Marcello Mastroianni's role as "everyman" in La Dolce Vita. He encourages viewers to see Mastroianni's "passions, hopes, fears and cowardice, and anguish and sleaziness" as similar to their own.
Difficulty: Adv-Intermediate
Charles Ferrant's body has been discovered by a fisherman. The Count is still missing, and Lara's aunt wants a word with Malvina, the Count's housekeeper.
Difficulty: Beginner
Francesco Renga's love song "Angelo" won the 2005 edition of the highly prestigious Festival di San Remo, then in its 55th year.
Difficulty: Intermediate
The move has been difficult and Lele’s parents come by, unwillingly, to lend a hand.
Difficulty: Adv-Intermediate
Pre-war and wartime cooking, when fuel for cooking was in short supply, made raw recipes come to the fore.
Difficulty: Beginner
"È l'amore che conta" [It's Love that Counts] is Giorgia's second single. Venice is the backdrop for the video.
Difficulty: Intermediate
Rossellini's 1949 movie Stromboli put the Aeolian island on the cultural map forever.
Difficulty: Adv-Intermediate
Violetta writes a letter of farewell to Alfredo. He is miserable, but hears of a party where he is sure to see her. But there, things go from bad to worse. Alfredo ends up having to live abroad, and Violetta's illness gets much worse. Will they ever be able to embrace each other again?
Difficulty: Adv-Intermediate
While they're huddled together in the meat truck, Commissioner Manara tries to wheedle out of Lara the reason she's still angry at him from police academy days.
Difficulty: Intermediate
Grandpa, Lele and his three kids arrive at their new house. Everyone is excited about it--everyone, that is, except Maria who would have preferred to have stayed in Rome near her friends.
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