Difficulty: Adv-Intermediate
Mara is waiting for her blind date, and who shows up but Felice, whom she tells to beat it in no uncertain terms. Meanwhile, Carola talks to her boyfriend by phone. The next day, the chickens get out...
Difficulty: Adv-Intermediate
Truth triumphing over falsehood is not only the theme of the fresco, but is also the theme of this segment. Marta and Luca zero in on their latest suspect.
Difficulty: Beginner
Daniela tackles a verb that is tricky for English speakers: piacere (to delight, to please). Although when someone says mi piace, he or she is, in essence, saying "I like [it/him/her/them]," the verb piacere doesn't strictly mean "to like." Since, as you will see, this verb works so differently than "to like," we have used the verb "to delight" as a translation in some cases, not for its exact meaning, but in order to match the construction with that of piacere.
Difficulty: Intermediate
We move from Umbria to Tuscany and visit the evocative ruins of the abbey of San Galgano. Next will be Pisa, a prime example of how Tuscany, in medieval times, was experimenting with very "modern" ideas.
Difficulty: Intermediate
The roses on the gown were hugely successful, giving Nora an idea for saving the business. Ugo is not on board.
Difficulty: Intermediate
Mazzeo is at large. The police go to the crime scene and find the weapon in a peculiar spot. Camilla tells Vanda what she knows.
Difficulty: Intermediate
Andreina's bait worked at the senior citizens' center, and Eva goes to see her friend Augusto. She also makes a disturbing discovery in her son's bedroom.
Difficulty: Intermediate
Dante and Eva cross paths at the market but don't speak. They are both pretty unhappy about the situation.
Difficulty: Adv-Intermediate
Guia's colleague and friend Carola arrives in town. Mara and her online friend keep writing to each other and plan to meet.
Difficulty: Adv-Intermediate
Casadio is in a strange mood, due to some discussions with his wife. After Manara leaves his office, there are some imprevisti (unexpected events) that give him a new lead in the case.
Difficulty: Beginner
Italy is being pushed to its limits right now, but hope never dies. Even though people have to stay home, there is a feeling of solidarity and positivity. Marika describes some of the initiatives that have taken form.
Difficulty: Beginner
Marika talks about how one can contract coronavirus, the symptoms, and the guidelines to avoid getting infected.
Difficulty: Beginner
Everyone is talking about coronavirus. Marika addresses frequently asked questions about this recent, ongoing phenomenon.
Difficulty: Intermediate
During the reception, Adriano manages to find a quiet moment to tell us what a Polish wedding is all about. He also talks about love, the main focus of this special day.
Difficulty: Intermediate
Eva is unable to speak when perhaps she ought to. Andreina is very unhappy about carrying out a task Eva has assigned to her. Poor Andreina.
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