Difficulty: Adv-Intermediate
Some of the stories in Diabolik come from the outside, notably from readers. A few of them are recounted here. They often related to controversial topics in the news and in some cases, charges were pressed and copies of the comic book were seized and destroyed.
Difficulty: Adv-Intermediate
Over time, Diabolik gained new status. It became cool. Nowadays, whether you read comic books or not, you know who Diabolik is.
Difficulty: Adv-Intermediate
This segment is about the film that was made of the Diabolik story. Not everyone was satisfied, including the Giussani sisters, but in those days, certain international standards had to be respected.
Difficulty: Intermediate
This documentary follows the coronavirus from its beginnings in China to its arrival in Italy. Much of the material was contributed by ordinary people trying to live their lives in the midst of the pandemic.
Difficulty: Intermediate
Different people talk about their experiences: a hospital intensive-care worker, a bike courier, a 103-year old woman, some children, and the head of a family.
Difficulty: Intermediate
A man tells about how maddening it was to realize he had made a mistake in giving his mother a kiss. In March 2020, all of Italy shut down. Everything stopped, to try and limit the spread of Covid-19.
Difficulty: Intermediate
There were a few places untouched by the pandemic, for example, near the North Pole. Some people had a hard time getting out of bed. Others became creative.
Difficulty: Intermediate
Going to school remotely from home was hard for everyone, kids and young adults alike, not to mention for the teachers. And, just imagine trying to train to be a ballet dancer. People had to get creative and at the same time, deal with reality.
Difficulty: Intermediate
Italians adopted English words to describe the new system of working from home. They've called it smart working. No one was happy about the virus, but some people could see the bright side. Others were very stressed out and would go on a disinfecting rampage. The worst situation was in hospitals, where health care workers were pretty much flying blind.
Difficulty: Intermediate
During the first wave of the pandemic, working in the hospital was especially grim. No visitors were allowed, so families had to stay close by phone and with a health-care worker helping out. It was hard for everyone.
Difficulty: Intermediate
Living in a studio apartment during the quarantine was especially challenging. Bergamo was one of the worst hit cities in Italy and the rate at which coffins piled up was shocking.
Difficulty: Intermediate
How can you stay fit if you are shut up in your apartment? It's not easy, but it can be done. And what if you're a musician? Your balcony becomes your stage, and the adjacent buildings, your audience.
Difficulty: Intermediate
During the pandemic, children keep being born, which is a a joyous event. At the same time, people, especially the elderly, die with no loved ones around, no closure, no goodbyes. The doctors and nurses worry constantly about having been careful enough with their PPE.
Difficulty: Intermediate
During the lockdown of 2020, cities were deserted. The urban landscape changed drastically and some strange things happened, too.
Difficulty: Intermediate
During the pandemic, there were those who couldn't do their shopping for one reason or another, so volunteers would help out. Some could pay for their groceries, but others couldn't. At the beginning of the video, we're in the ZEN, a housing project on the outskirts of Palermo. ZEN stands for Zona Espansione Nord (northern expansion zone). Towards the end of the segment, we're at Milan's Pio Albergo Trivulzio, a nursing home and hospital where many people died in the first wave of Covid-19.
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