Difficulty: Intermediate
In this episode, we start seeing a different side of Paolo, and a different side of Natoli, too, as their challenges multiply.
Difficulty: Beginner
Pregare (to beg, to ask) and sapere (to know) are the last two verbs on Daniela's list of verbs that take the preposition di (of) and a verb in the infinitive.
Difficulty: Adv-Intermediate
Lara and Luca question the people close to Spada, but they are no closer to having a lead. And they don't get much closer to talking over their personal troubles, either.
Difficulty: Intermediate
Jacopo has a real time crunch on his hands, especially once he hears of a wedding taking place at that very moment.
Difficulty: Intermediate
Anna speaks about her prenatal and postpartum experience with the Italian National Health Service. She also discusses the five-month maternity leave that working women receive.
Difficulty: Beginner
Marika's lesson concentrates on how the pronouns: mi [me], ti [you], vi [you, plural] are used in conjunction with the particle "ci."
Difficulty: Intermediate
Both Paolo and Natoli are trying to make the best of the situation. This time Natoli needs some clothes. Then Paolo goes to the office and receives some news he has trouble handling.
Difficulty: Adv-Intermediate
There's lots of tension between Luca and Lara, plus Luca can't quite believe he is going to be a father.
Difficulty: Intermediate
Jacopo is not as alone as he thought. And you'll never guess who he meets up with!
Difficulty: Adv-Intermediate
Italy Sicilian
Giuseppe Pitrè was an ethnologist who collected documents pertaining to Sicily and its culture and traditions. His work is the basis for this documentary, which unites live footage, drawings, and archival documents.
Difficulty: Intermediate
As you can see from the video, Max Gazzè seems to be singing to a mannequin. The song is from the album Maximilian, and was published in 2016.
Difficulty: Beginner
Daniela covers the verbs: ricordare (to remember), dimenticare (to forget), decidere (to decide), and dubitare (to doubt), showing how the preposition "di" is placed between conjugated and infinitive verbs.
Difficulty: Adv-Intermediate
Everyone is in shock after the big surprise. Lara's heart is broken, and Luca is pretty desperate, too. Still, they are professionals, and someone has died in a fire, so like it or not, they are thrown together.
Difficulty: Intermediate
Anna has recently become a mother! She shares with us some of the experiences she had during her pregnancy.
Difficulty: Intermediate
The 2016 opening ceremony of Salerno's Luci d'Artista, which in the captions is literally translated as Artists' Lights, but which is billed by the city as Salerno Christmas Lights. The ceremony mostly takes place in the Villa Comunale, Salerno's public garden.
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