Difficulty: Beginner
What is climate change? What are the elements that make up climate? Marika begins answering these questions.
Difficulty: Beginner
Italians talk about the weather a lot, and in particular, the winds that come in from different directions. Marika gives us the rundown.
Difficulty: Beginner
Marika talks about the difference between normal climactic events and extreme climactic events such as flooding, storms, and droughts.
Difficulty: Beginner
Marika explains about the risks of global warming, fossil fuels, the greenhouse effect and what we can do to lessen the damage being caused.
Difficulty: Adv-Intermediate
Video provided by Youreporter.it Linosa is an island off of Sicily and the setting for an ecological non-profit event "Clean Water Day."
Difficulty: Intermediate
Besides working as a journalist, Francesca is involved in some international projects for sustainability. Here, she tells about a hospital in Gaza.
Difficulty: Intermediate
"Sunshine for Palestine" has set in motion an innovative project for teaching the latest scientific theories to young people, and it has been enormously successful.
Difficulty: Adv-Intermediate
An agreement has been signed between Enel (Italia's leading electric company) and Piaggio (a leading motorized vehicle manufacturer) for the development of electric mass transportation and for studying innovative solutions for the safeguarding of the environment.
Difficulty: Intermediate
Video on Romina Power’s comments at a conference of the Animalisti Italiani [Italian Association for the Rights of Animals]. Power voices her complete disapproval of the abuse of animals killed to make fur coats.
Difficulty: Intermediate
Adriano Celentano with this song continues his campaign of protecting the environment. The references to various disasters, implicitly stated in the very title of the video, accompanies the music and footage of the piece. The song registers the celebrated singer’s emphatic “no” to an energy lobby that favors nuclear power.
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