Difficulty: Intermediate
Both Giuseppe and Giorgio take the exam for the available position. They each have to diagnose a patient and the examination board isn't kind to either of them.
Difficulty: Intermediate
Renzo is wondering if meeting up with Inspector Berardi at the restaurant was a coincidence or not, since it wasn't the first time. But they end up exchanging lines of a famous song by Massimo Ranieri, Perdere l'amore (losing love). The next day, the focus is on Livietta and her dance class.
Difficulty: Adv-Intermediate
We get a glimpse of Francesco's home life in this segment. He has a lot of pent-up anger and doesn't have it very well under control. Lojacono and Aragona are following Miss Russo and have a little conversation about patience.
Difficulty: Intermediate
Ricotta and Felice rush over to Manzi's house to give them some good news. At school, Manzi and the principal clash over teaching methods.
Difficulty: Adv-Intermediate
Moscati risks his life to save some of the patients from the hospital. It took courage and patience.
Difficulty: Intermediate
With Mister Esposito's deposition, the inspector's suspicions are confirmed. That evening, Camilla and Renzo go to dinner, as arranged, but they are not the only ones.
Difficulty: Adv-Intermediate
Forensics recovers an email that opens up some new avenues in the investigation. Lojacono and Aragona go see the notary at his workplace. Di Nardo's parents want to meet her boyfriend.
Difficulty: Intermediate
Luigi recounts that typically, during the night in the ward, there is anger in the air, and, indeed, Luigi has to deal with an angry stressed-out nurse.
Difficulty: Intermediate
Ricotta follows his teacher's advice and goes with Felice to a garage where they are hiring. They immediately see why it's important to know how to read and write. At school, Alberto does an experiment with his students and tries to get everyone involved.
Difficulty: Adv-Intermediate
In 1906 Vesuvius erupted, its worst eruption of the entire 20th century. Torre del Greco, a town near Vesuvius, was particularly affected. Buildings collapsed, sick people were trapped inside the hospitals, and Giuseppe and Giorgio rushed there to help out.
Difficulty: Intermediate
Torre and Berardi go to see Nic Bianco's wife and obtain some new information about Cappellini. Camilla and Renzo go running and Camilla tries to get him to get some strange ideas out of his head.
Difficulty: Adv-Intermediate
Pisanelli goes to see Friar Leonardo and remarks how peaceful it is there in the cloister. Lojacono and Aragona go to see the head of Forensics and learn some new details about the evidence.
Difficulty: Intermediate
Luigi wants his tube removed in the worst way. Only Zamagna can answer his questions.
Difficulty: Intermediate
Manzi, with Felice's help, eventually finds Ricotta and goes to see him. At school, Manzi makes waves with the director again. This time it regards little Giulia.
Difficulty: Adv-Intermediate
Giorgio goes to see Cloe perform again, while Giuseppe takes Elena to a place that isn't easy to reach. The two friends are clearly in love.
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