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Votare and il voto are more than just cognates

On a very basic level, "the vote" and "to vote" have cognates in Italian (il voto and votare), but a recent video on Yabla provided the spark for a little research into these words. 


In the first segment of a documentary about comic books, there's a curious example of votare meaning not "to vote," but rather "to devote." It's rare enough that it needed looking up and we wondered if it might be an error. It wasn't. 


La sua vita è votata al soddisfacimento di un obiettivo, che è quello di mettersi alla prova nel furto.

His life is devoted to the satisfaction of a goal, which is that of proving oneself in theft.

Captions 24-25, Fumettology Diabolik - Part 1

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Looking up this meaning for votare called up other connections. 


It’s customary in some Christian religions to give up something for Lent, the forty days preceding Easter. In Italian, this is often called un voto (a vow). And let’s think of “votive” lights or candles, used to remember the dead. A votive candle signifies literally that the lighting is done in fulfillment of a vow (Latin, "votum").


Sono pinakes, tavolette votive che vengono dal tempio di Persefone, la dea della Primavera.

They're pinakes, little votive tablets that come from the Temple of Persephone, the goddess of spring.

Captions 20-21, Imma Tataranni Sostituto procuratore S1 EP2 Come piante fra sassi - Part 12

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There is a long tradition of vows in Italian history, closely tied to the history of the Roman Catholic Church. People would pledge money, acts of charity, or courage, such as going on a crusade. Symbols of these vows can be found hanging on the walls of many old Italian churches and are called ex-voti from the Latin phrase "ex-voto suscepto," meaning "from the vow made"). 

È vero che abbiamo fatto voto di povertà, però pure i colli dei frati tengono [napoletano: hanno] freddo, no?

It's true that we made a vow of poverty, but even the necks of friars get cold, right?

Captions 58-59, I Bastardi di Pizzofalcone EP 3 Vicini - Part 6

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In Italian schools, students get votes, not grades. 

Mettiamo che io abbia due bambini. il primo fa il dettato senza errori, che voto gli do?

Let's say I have two kids. The first one does the dictation with no errors. What grade do I give him?

Captions 54-56, Non è mai troppo tardi EP 2 - Part 22

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Thanks for reading.

