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The noun il passo — What does it mean?

Let's look at the common noun il passo. It's used in a variety of ways in Italian. Let's keep in mind, however, that passo is also the first-person singular of the verb passare (to pass). That's not what this lesson is about. 


We usually translate il passo with "the step."


Questo è soltanto il primo passo.

This is just the first step.

Caption 1, Adriano Olivetti - La forza di un sogno Ep.2

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Che vuoi fa' [romanesco: fare]?

What can you do?

Un passo avanti e due indietro come i gamberi, fanno.

One step forward and two backwards, as shrimp do.

Caption 35, Il Commissario Manara - S2EP2 - L'addio di Lara

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Bene. Allora, Anna, io direi che secondo me è il momento giusto

Good. So, Anna, I would say that in my opinion, it's the right moment

per spiegare passo per passo come realizzare questa ricetta.

to explain, step by step how to make this recipe.

Captions 92-93, L'Italia a tavola - Tonnarelli cacio e pepe

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Here's some great advice in just about any situation:


Un passo alla volta...

One step at a time...

Caption 52, La linea verticale - EP1 - Part 4

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Although we can translate "a passage" with un passaggio, we can also use un passo.


La figurazione della fontana

The figures depicted on the fountain

è tratta da un passo della Bibbia.

are taken from a passage from the Bible.

Caption 87, In giro per l'Italia - Roma Piazza Navona

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But that's not the whole story on passo.


Al passo means "at a walk" when we're talking about the gait of a horse or other animal.


...e si fa al passo o al galoppo, il volteggio. -Meraviglioso.

...and vaulting is done at a walk or at a canter. -Marvelous.

Caption 48, Francesca - Cavalli

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Il passo can be "the pace" or "the rate."


E io non so se mi metterò al passo con lei.

I don't know if I will be able to keep up with her [to go at her pace].

Caption 27, Il Commissario Manara - S2EP9 - L'amica ritrovata

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Se continuiamo di questo passo non mi meraviglierei.

If we keep going at this rate, I wouldn't be surprised.

Caption 51, Imma Tataranni Sostituto procuratore - S1EP1 L'estate del dito

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One way to take a walk is "to take two steps." It's a casual way to say it.


Faccio due passi.

I'm going to step out.

Caption 26, I Bastardi di Pizzofalcone - EP1 I Bastardi

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In fact, "2 steps" is also synonymous with "a short distance." So when something is a short distance away, we can say it's a due passi. (literally, "two steps away").


Sta qui a due passi, Luca.

It's right near here, Luca.

Caption 47, Il Commissario Manara - S1EP6 - Reazione a Catena

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Other meanings:

Il passo can also be a pass in the mountains or in a river, just like in English.


When you need to buy some screws (le viti) at a hardware store, the clerk might ask you quale passo or che passo?  He or she is talking about the threading. The word for threading is filettatura, from il filo (the thread) or filare (to thread). 



Big and small with endings: -one and -ino

Instead of using adjectives to talk about size, Italian has the device of altering the noun itself, thus producing a new word. Different endings are added onto the root word. Let's look at how this works with some nouns with feminine endings.


An example of this is pentola. Una pentola is a pot. It's already pretty big, big enough for cooking pasta. Un pentolone is an even bigger pot for if you're cooking lots of pasta or canning tomatoes, as in the second example below. We could also say una pentola grande, (a big pot) but sometimes it's easier to say pentolone. So, when you hear a word that ends in -one, it's likely a large version of something that comes in various sizes. 

Ci serve, naturalmente, anche qualcosa per cuocere la pasta. Una pentola, un'altra pentola per la pasta,

We also need, naturally, something for cooking the pasta. A pot, another pot for the pasta,

Captions 79-81, L'Italia a tavola Tonnarelli cacio e pepe - Part 1

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Here, a woman is describing how to make tomato sauce to can. She's going to make a big batch.

Alcuni, eh, lo fanno appassire un po' dentro i pentoloni sul fuoco...

Some, uh, cook them down a bit in big pots on the burner...

Caption 28, Giovanna spiega La passata di pomodori

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When the item in discussion is the smalller version, the ending -ino is typical: 

E per farlo, prendiamo un pentolino come questo e ci mettiamo un pochino di olio extravergine di oliva.

And to do that we take a saucepan like this and we put a little extra virgin olive oil in it.

Captions 18-19, Marika spiega La Parmigiana di melanzane - Part 1

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Una capanna is a shack,  shed, or hut. It's a feminine noun.

...oppure costruivamo una capanna con delle sedie e delle coperte

...or else we'd build a hut out of chairs and bed covers

Caption 8, Anna e Marika ricordi di infanzia

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Un capannone can either be called a "shed," even though it's big, a "hangar," or, in the case of a mechanic's workplace, a "garage." It will have a different name in English depending on its use. It may or may not have 4 walls. It may or may not be makeshift.


...che segnalava la presenza di auto truccate in un capannone al Quadraro e trac. Va be', allora vogliamo brindare?

...that reported the presence of souped-up cars in a hangar in Quadraro, and boom. OK, so do we want to make a toast?

Captions 35-37, La Ladra EP. 8 - Il momento giusto - Part 14

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If the shack or hut is tiny, as it would be for a hunter's blind, then il capannino is the word of choice. There might be room for just one person.



Although una macchina can be any kind of machine, it's also the word for car. The more official Italian word is automobile, just like in English. The stress goes on the second O, however.

Infatti, quando ho compiuto venti anni, mi ha regalato una macchina nuova.

In fact, when I turned twenty, she got me a new car.

Captions 31-32, Adriano Nonna

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Ci porta Giampi, che lui c'ha un macchinone.

Giampi will take us. He has a big car.

Caption 53, Sposami EP 3 - Part 7

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Sometimes the resulting word can retain the gender of the original word, as in the case of macchina

E sotto c'era un altro cartellino bianco con disegnato su un camioncino con un gancettino che si porta via una macchinina.

And below it was another little white sign picturing a little truck with a little hook on it, which is towing a little car away.

Captions 89-91, Provaci ancora prof! S2EP1 - La finestra sulla scuola - Part 1

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As you listen to more videos, you will start noticing the endings -one and -ino. Look for the noun within the noun and you'll often be able to figure out what a word means.