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Il carro: a noun that pulls its weight

Since the wheel was invented, carts have been used for transporting goods. But carts and similar vehicles come in all shapes and sizes and are used for so many different things, so it's natural for there to be variants depending on the size and function. 


The basic noun in Italian is carro. Its definition in Italian is this: 

Veicolo a trazione animale o meccanica, costituito da un piano sostenuto da due o quattro ruote, usato per il trasporto di materiali e merci.

Vehicle that is mechanical or pulled by animals, constisting of a flat bed supported by two or four wheels, used to transport materials and goods. 


The noun carro by itself generally indicates a rather large-sized cart. But what it's used for is usually in the form of a second noun used as an adjective, an adjective, or as an alteration of the word carro.


Il carro attrezzi

Carro is used together with a modifier describing its function:

Ho capito la situazione, ma non... chiama il carro attrezzi, il soccorso stradale, qualcosa.

I understand the situation, but I can't... call the tow truck, the roadside assistance, something.

Captions 38-39, Provaci ancora prof! S2E5 Vita da cani - Part 4

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Essentially, you are loading a car on a big "cart" equipped to do that. It's attrezzato (equipped) with gli attrezzi (equipment).


Il carro da parata or il carro allegorico

In a parade or procession, called una sfilata, un corteo, un corteo storico, or una processione, the floats are called i carri. 

Come vedi c'è il carro di Santa Rosalia e al posto della Santa... -E lui lì sopra.

As you can see, there's the Saint Rosalia [patron saint of Palermo] float and in place of the Saint... -And him on top of it.

Captions 25-26, Dottor Pitrè e le sue storie - Part 2

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Il carro funebre

carro funebre

For a funeral procession, as well, the noun carro is used. Even today, with a motorized hearse, the same term is employed. 

Sarà mica un carro funebre?

It wouldn't be a hearse, would it?

Caption 64, Provaci ancora prof! S1E2 - Un amore pericoloso - Part 12

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Il carro armato 

Literally, "the armed cart." 

Me lo dici che premio è? Un carro armato vero, nuovo nuovo.

Will you tell me what the prize is? A real tank, brand new.

Captions 20-21, Trailer La vita è bella - Roberto Benigni

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We can use diminutive suffixes to indicate a smaller carro

È su un carretto trainato forse da una pecora, comunque da un ovino ed è un momento felice, anche se per molti esperti, si tratta di un viaggio simbolico verso l'aldilà, il regno dei morti.

He is on a cart drawn by perhaps a sheep, in any case by an ovine and it is a happy moment, even if for many experts, it involves a symbolic journey to the afterlife, the kingdom of the dead.

Captions 53-55, Meraviglie EP. 2 - Part 6

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The constellations we call "the Big Dipper" and "the Little Dipper" are called respectively il Grande carro and il Piccolo carro in Italian.  


There are small carts, too, for transporting things by hand.


Il carrello

Un carrello can be the kind you use at the supermarket, but it can be any kind of cart, trolley, or dolly for transporting relatively small items.

Una rana in servizio non dovrebbe spingere il carrello delle clienti.

A frog on duty shouldn't push the customers' carts.

Captions 65-66, Un medico in famiglia Stagione 3 S3EP4 Lo stagno del ranocchio - Part 6

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La carriola (or la cariola as they call it in Rome)  

Be'? Che state a fa' co' 'ste carriole?

Well? What are you doing with these wheelbarrows?

Caption 2, Spot pubblicitario TIM Tribù

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A wheelbarrow with only 2 wheels might be called una carretta, but this word might also refer to a wreck of a car, a jalopy. 


La carrozza 

Here, we are talking about a carriage, such as a stagecoach, but carrozza is also used for trains. If you reserve your seat, which car you are in will be indicated with il numero di carrozza

Signore? Sono qua, nella carrozza. Dico a Voi.

Sir? I am here, in the carriage. I'm talking to you.

Captions 32-33, Caravaggio EP1 - Part 9

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But the car of a train might also be called un vagone, an Italianized version of "wagon."

Ferma solo a Guidonia, Firenze, Genova e c'è un vagone ristorante per bambini belli che mangiano tutta la pappa.

It stops only in Guidonia, Florence, Genoa, and there is a dining car for nice children who eat all their mush.

Captions 16-18, Un medico in famiglia Stagione 1 EP3 Un cugino in fuga - Part 2

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La carrozzella in this day and age usually refers to a wheelchair, but once, it referred to a buggy.  

Qua, tolto il figlio con la madre in carrozzella non s'è visto nessuno.

Here, apart from the son with his mother in a wheelchair, I didn't see anyone.

Caption 15, Imma Tataranni Sostituto procuratore S1 EP3 I giardini della memoria - Part 15

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Una carrozzina may refer to a baby carriage, but some people use it to mean "wheelchair." It's important to consider the context!


La carrozzeria and il carrozziere

La carrozzeria is the chassis of a car, as well as the place where a chassis is repaired. 

I fanalini della macchina rotti, le ruote bucate. -Fanalini della macchina rotti. -Per non parlare della carrozzeria.

The taillights of my car broken, the tires slashed. -Taillights broken. -Not to mention the body.

Captions 42-43, Provaci ancora prof! S2E5 Vita da cani - Part 20

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The person who repairs the chassis of a vehicle is called il carrozziere.  

Va bene, allora parlo un attimo col carrozziere.

All right. So I'll have a quick word with the body shop guy.

Caption 16, Provaci ancora prof! S1E3 - Una piccola bestia ferita - Part 14

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There are undoubtedly more words stemming from il carro, and feel free to let us know, so we can add them to this lesson!



The Historical Present Tense in Italian

In the English language, with some exceptions, history is told in the past. The historical present does exist, however. In English grammar, the historical present is the use of a verb phrase in the present tense to refer to an event that took place in the past. In narratives, the historical present may be used to create an effect of immediacy. It’s also called the historic present, dramatic present, and narrative present.


But in Italian and other romance languages the historical present is commonly used to recount events in the past, especially when referring to history.


Context is very important, and translating can present some challenges.


Here’s an example of how Italian uses the historical present for something that clearly happened in the past. In English, it would sound a bit strange in the present tense, and the first phrase would be well nigh impossible to express in the present tense.


Pitrè nasce nel milleottocentoquarantuno a Palermo,

Pitrè was born in eighteen hundred forty-one in Palermo,

in una famiglia di pescatori.

in a family of fishermen.

Il padre, un povero marinaio del rione di Santa Lucia,

The father, a poor sailor from the Santa Lucia district,

è costretto, come tanti, ad emigrare in America,

was forced, like many, to emigrate to America,

dove muore di febbre gialla.

where he died of yellow fever.

Captions 28-32, Dottor Pitrè - e le sue storie

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In the documentary about Fascism currently available on Yabla, the historical present is used in several instances. Sometimes it makes sense to use it in English, too, as in the following example. By using the historical present, we set the scene. We seem to observe the events from close up, as they happen.


Sono gli anni delle campagne di stampa contro le parole straniere.

These are the years of the publishing campaigns against foreign words.

Parole straniere e borghesia sono mali da estirpare.

Foreign words and the bourgeoisie are evils to be rooted out.

Captions 5-6, Me Ne Frego - Il Fascismo e la lingua italiana

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La "Gazzetta del Popolo" di Torino

Turin's “Gazzetta del Popolo” [The People's Gazzette]

inaugura la rubrica "Una parola al giorno".

launches the feature “Una Parola Al Giorno” [A Word a Day].

Captions 14-15, Me Ne Frego - Il Fascismo e la lingua italiana

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The use of the historical or narrative present in Italian is just something to be aware of. Deciding whether or not to maintain the same tense in translation is a subjective one, based on the tone to be set, or based on clarity. Much of the time, using the past tense in English will be preferred, but not always.

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Caption 32, 31, 30, 29, 28

When O's Become U's - Welcome to Sicily

One of Yabla’s current offerings is about Sicily. The Giuseppe Pitrè videos are peppered with phrases in the Sicilian dialect. As a matter of fact, although we call it a dialect, it’s actually a language all its own.


The Italian State was born only in 1861. Textbooks began being uniformly published in the Italian language as late as 1928. Before that, different regions in what later became Italy had wildly different ways of expressing themselves, and in many cases still do.


Even now there are still plenty of people, mostly pensionati (retirees) by now, who have had only minimal schooling and never learned Italian, let alone to read and write. If they had children, the children became bilingual in order to both go to school and be able to communicate with their parents. So these languages are still alive, thanks also to folk traditions of theater and poetry, such as the ones described in the above-mentioned videos.


When you’re learning the language, it's hard enough to follow someone speaking Italian, let alone someone speaking in dialect, as in the Pitrè videos. Remember, though: You don’t need to actually learn Sicilian or any other regional language. But being in the know about some of a dialect's characteristics can enable you to enjoy the differences (and understand something) rather than being overwhelmed by them. Italy's linguistic diversity is part of what makes the country so interesting.


From these Pitrè videos, you’ll notice for example, that the “o” in Italian often becomes “u” in Sicilian. The “e” often  becomes “ie.”


Signuri mei, vi cuntu di Giufà [Signori miei, vi racconto di Giufà],

My gentlemen, I'll tell you about Giufà,

ca una ni pienza e milli ni fa [che una ne pensa e mille ne fa].

who thinks of one thing and does a thousand of them.

Captions 30-31, Dottor Pitrè - e le sue storie - Part 4

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Vai Giuseppe, curri [corri]! Curri [corri], fratello!

Go Giuseppe, run! Hurry up, brother!

Caption 51, Dottor Pitrè - e le sue storie - Part 2

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In the examples above, the pronunciation is decidedly different, but the words are the same as or similar to Italian.


Sometimes, though, vocabulary changes completely, or almost completely. One Sicilian word that comes to mind is picciotto (young man or boy). Just picking out that one word (and variants of it) can allow you to feel like you're in the know.


E ddu picciotto, un avennu né piccioli [E quel ragazzo, non avendo nemmeno soldi]

And that young man, having no money even

pi manciari, ci rissi [per mangiare, gli disse]:

for food, told him,

se, cietto ca mi vogghiu mettiri in 'sta scummissa [sì, certo che voglio fare questa scommessa]!

"Yes, of course I want to make a bet!"

Captions 39-41, Dottor Pitrè - e le sue storie - Part 4

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When the boy speaks, you’ll notice that, as mentioned above, the “e” in certo (of course) becomes “ie.” In addition, the “r” disappears altogether and it becomes cietto.

The more you listen to Italians speaking, the more you'll notice regional differences in pronunciation, vocabulary, and syntax, as well as in general inflection. It can be fun to guess where someone is from!

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Caption 41, 40, 39, 31, 30