Daniela teaches Italian in a classroom, complete with blackboard, chalk, eraser, and students. Her lessons are very popular and people love her spontaneity and teaching style. She addresses grammatical topics one by one, geared to both beginning and intermediate level students.
Italy Neapolitan
Daniela takes us through the steps to construct the passato prossimo (present perfect) of verbs. Attenzione! Even though it looks similar to the English present perfect tense, the passato prossimo is used for actions completed at a specific time in the past, so in many cases it corresponds to the simple past in English, not the present perfect!
Daniela teaches us about conjugating one of the past tenses, the passato prossimo, for action verbs.
Daniela has her students practice conjugating a verb of movement in the passato prossimo (present perfect). There are plenty of details to watch out for: plural or singular, masculine or feminine, "to be" or "to have" as helping verbs.
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