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Alberto Angela, the well-known science popularizer on Italian television, takes us on a journey to discover the "Wonders" that make Italy a "peninsula of treasures." The sites we visit, recognized by UNESCO as World Heritage Sites, range from artistic and architectural masterpieces to incredible natural wonders.

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─ Videos: 11-14 of 14 Totaling 0 hours 52 minutes

Meraviglie - EP. 6 - Part 11

Difficulty: difficulty - Intermediate Intermediate


We're in Assisi, where, during some excavations, a domus was discovered. It's clear it belonged to a wealthy family because of the richness of the wall and floor decorations, and might even have been the home of the poet Propertius.

Meraviglie - EP. 6 - Part 12

Difficulty: difficulty - Intermediate Intermediate


Parking is a problem in medieval hilltop towns and cities (especially those attractive to tourists), so one solution is to build an elevator to get from parking further down the hill, up to the center of town. But, you never know what you are going to find when excavating. In Assisi, they certainly hit the jackpot, right in the center of town: A roman domus.

Meraviglie - EP. 6 - Part 13

Difficulty: difficulty - Intermediate Intermediate


If you have ever visited Italy, you have probably run across the term pinacoteca describing a picture gallery, and wondered where it came from. You will find out in this video about a room called the "tablinum" in the Assisi domus, discovered because they wanted to build an elevator!

Meraviglie - EP. 6 - Part 14

Difficulty: difficulty - Intermediate Intermediate


Ancient culture merged with "modern" culture, especially after Constantine created the new capital of the Roman Empire, Constantinople. Near Matera in Basilicata, even caves built into the rock face became churches. The frescoes on those walls are quite stunning.

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